英尺in english

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.



The water rose a foot in 20 minutes.


Up to 6.1 m starting length (20 foot)

邓斯河瀑布是 600 英尺以上海滩

The Dunns river falls which are 600 ft above the beach

配有环形连接器和 15 英尺 (4.6 m) 接地线

Complete with ring connector and 15 ft. (4.6 m) ground cord

前方30英尺是洗手间 然后右转

There's a bathroom 30 feet ahead and then right.


At 200 feet, a human target, practically immobile.

飞机已经到达敌军的 上空24000英尺

Your aircraft are approaching the enemy coast at 24,000 feet.


Next group will bomb from an altitude of 13,000 feet.

在最初的1000英尺 阳光逐渐消失

Within the first thousand feet, all traces of sunlight will disappear.


The hotel is just 100 feet from the beach.

再下降500英尺 如果还没有穿越云层

I'll take us down to 500 feet, if we haven't broken through the cloud cover,

最初的三十五分钟 我要飞一万五千英尺

Well, I have to fly 15,000 feet within the first 35 minutes.


Should be enough to get you up the 90 feet or so.


Entrance should be 50 feet ahead on the left.


We'd be out from the main road about 90 feet.


Once filled the coin will squirt up to six feet!

海拔500英尺 我们开始失去动力

We started losing elevation at about 500 feet.


Now it lies in 16,000 feet of water.


There are over 18,000 linear feet of the aforementioned track.


Blanket anything within 100 feet of that signal.

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Suggestions that contain 英尺

Results: 6404. Exact: 6404. Elapsed time: 16 ms.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

五百平方英尺的管子里 呼吸循环空气

confined to a 500 square foot tube, breathing recycled air.

Over 6 亩与娱乐的 13,000 平方英尺会所

Over 6 acres of recreation with a 13,000 square foot Clubhouse


additional assembliy bulding with 2.500m² (27.000 sqft) space

耳房 (4198 平方英尺): 2 单位

Penthouse (4198 sqft): 2 units

三间会议室和 6000 平方英尺的宴会厅。

Three meeting rooms and a 6,000- square-foot ballroom.

16,000 平方英尺的水疗会所和游泳池。

Recreational facilities with a 16,000 square-foot Daniela Steiner spa and pool.


Translate square feet to linear and get the 640,40 meters.


Sixty thousand square feet of creative living space.


a shopping and leisure complex of one million square feet


It was small, perhaps fifteen hundred square feet.


Year- round destination with 60,000 square feet of retail


Public records show the building at 1,800 square feet.


160 square feet is not a second year associate's office.

24 小时健身中心跨度超过 4,200 平方英尺

24-hour fitness centre spanning over 4,200 square feet complete with a Peloton bike


Average size of home in China: 1,076 square feet

表2 可行战略每平方英尺项目费用的比较

Table 2 Comparison of project costs per square foot for feasible strategies


And now we're going to add 1.1 million square feet.


first, l will see if any vacant units of around one thousand square feet are available

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 2663. Exact: 2663. Elapsed time: 15 ms.