Would 意思

would modal verb (WISH)

 would that... formal


Would that (= if only) she could see her famous son now. 她要是現在能看見自己那已經出了名的兒子就好了。

would modal verb (FREQUENCY)

B2 (also 'd)

used to talk about things in the past that happened often or always


He would always turn and wave at the end of the street. 他總會在街的盡頭轉過身來揮揮手。


"Madeleine called to say she's too busy to come." "She would - she always has an excuse." 「瑪德琳打電話來說她太忙,來不了。」「她總是這樣──永遠有藉口。」

  • He would always begin his lectures with a joke.
  • They would often go for a drink together on Wednesdays.
  • He would always smoke a cigar after dinner.
  • She would often forget where she'd put her glasses.
  • He would say that! He's always got a reason for being late.

would modal verb (OPINION)

  • I would class her among/with the top ten American novelists.
  • I would suggest that you were not adequately prepared for the interview.
  • We would describe the standard of the food as poor.
  • I'd have hoped for a better choice of wine to go with the meal.
  • She'd describe her reaction to the film as one of disappointment.

would modal verb (REASON)

(also 'd)

used after "why" when giving or asking the reason for something


Why would anyone want to eat something so horrible? 為甚麼會有人想吃這麼可怕的東西?

  • He came to see you. Why else would he come?
  • Why would he run away from the scene of the crime if he wasn't guilty?
  • Why would you drive, when you could take the train?
  • Why would anyone do such a thing?
  • They must have split up. Why else would he be moving out?

would modal verb (PROBABILITY)

(also 'd)

used to refer to what is very likely


"The guy on the phone had a Southern accent." "That would be Tom." 「打電話的那個人一口南方口音。」「我估計可能是湯姆。」


(would剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



Physically, this 6 has the effect of a long-wavelength modulation to the system which would be the same for all the interaction coefficients.

Thus, the spending of the new pesticide tax proceeds, to a great extent, would redistribute money from conventional to organic farming.

This would provide a qualitative description of the mixing of single-particle and collective effects.

In a language-learning situation with restricted availability to the target language, such a system would likely be predicted purely on the grounds of transfer.

Only quick action would transfer people from relief to work as the president wanted.

Moreover, to ignore this combination of linguistic and sociocultural factors would degrade psychological research.

What would happen if these plans were implemented?

Thus, even if we were measuring the correct symptoms, we could expect that our purely categorical disease would be hidden within a continuous symptom distribution.




  • 这两个词均含“过去惯常,过去总是”之意。
    used to指客观地表示过去的习惯,既可是过去经常发生的动作,又可是过去一向存在的状态,比would通俗,往往含今昔感。


  • would not aux.不能
  • would be adj.将要成为...的,冒充的
  • would love to 希望,喜欢,想…
  • would like 想要
  • would rather 倒愿意…,宁愿…
  • would as soon 欣然,宁愿,宁可
  • It would seem that ... 恐怕,好像,似乎有点…
  • would like to 愿意,意欲
  • would sooner 倒愿意…,宁愿…
  • Would you 你想


  • would aux. 1.(will的过去式,用于转述)将,将会 2.(带出想象的结果)会 3.(表示可能发生的事情没有发生,是因为之前另一件事没有发生)就会 4.(用于so that/in order
  • would've =would have
  • would be adj. 自称的,冒充的;想要成为的 n. 想要成为某种人物的人


