

Notice by China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. of the Handling of Relevant Business with Residence Permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents [Expired]
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  • Issuing authority�� Other Institutions of the Central Government,Others,All Other Companies,China Securities Depository & Clearing Corporation Limited
  • Date issued�� 08-31-2018
  • Effective date: 09-01-2018
  • Level of Authority: Industry Regulations
  • Area of Law:Securities
  • Invalidated by���й�֤ȯ�Ǽǽ����������ι�˾�����޶����й�֤ȯ�Ǽǽ����������ι�˾֤ȯ�˻�ҵ��ָ�ϡ���֪ͨ(2022)


Notice by China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. of the Handling of Relevant Business with Residence Permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents  


All market participants:   ���г��������壺
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Interim Regulation on Residence Permits, and the Measures for the Application for and Issuance of Residence Permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents, you are hereby notified of the relevant matters on the handling of the business of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. (��CSDC��) with residence permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents as follows:   ���ݡ���ס֤�������������۰�̨�����ס֤���췢�Ű취���йع涨���־�ʹ�ø۰�̨�����ס֤�����ҹ�˾ҵ���й�����֪ͨ���£�
I. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents may, based on the relevant business rules of CSDC, apply for the handling of various existing business of CSDC with their residence permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents.   ����һ���۰�̨������԰����ҹ�˾���ҵ�����ʹ�ø۰�̨�����ס֤��������ҹ�˾���и���ҵ��
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