Retreat 中文

Their rapid seasonal advances and retreats indicated a thickness in these seasonal caps of no more than 100-200 mm (the residual caps at each pole could be much thicker).

One, after a sensational first-sighting, seems to have retreated to outer space; its last perihelion was a disappointment.

Their independence challenged by colonial expansion, some individuals retreated beyond the colonial frontier.

Middle-class residents were anxious to demarcate themselves from the working class, and sought to do so by retreating into private suburban domesticity.

Whenever it seems that a summatory point is going to be made, the author persistently retreats into jargon, loading his sentences with unnecessarily complex terminology.

To her, the increasingly guilty pleasure she took in retreating into her own imaginary world and characters was a form of false worship.

The long-standing limitations of community care have intersected in recent years with fundamental retreats in state interventions and social programmes, taken up in different forms across welfare jurisdictions.

In the meantime, states have gradually been retreating from the social responsibilities that characterized their early populist development.


Their mood changed only after the governor - wi retreated into his palace.

As silence retreats, the sonic entity in our external world enters in and becomes part of the constant exchange inside us.

Even so it was only a springboard to the outside world of meaningful social action, not a haven to which family members retreated.

Their rapid seasonal advances and retreats indicated a thickness in these seasonal caps of no more than 100-200 mm (the residual caps at each pole could be much thicker).

Transferring this idea into institutional ar rangements for social welfare, the state in the social consumption sphere seems to be indispensable especially when it retreats from the economic sphere.

The literature also indicates that the glaciers generally retreated during the first half of the nineteenth century.

However, having gone down a column, "retreating" upward no longer reduces the political visibility.

Whenever it seems that a summatory point is going to be made, the author persistently retreats into jargon, loading his sentences with unnecessarily complex terminology.



英音 [ri'tri:t] ;

美音 [ri'tri:t] ;


  • move away, as for privacy
  • make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity
  • pull back or move away or backward
  • withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation
  • move back
  • (military) a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset
  • (military) a signal to begin a withdrawal from a dangerous position
  • a place of privacy; a place affording peace and quiet
  • (military) withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position to escape the enemy's superior forces or after a defeat
  • an area where you can be alone


  • retreat n. 1.[U,C]撤退; 退却 2.[sing][the retreat]撤退信号 3.[U]退避; 隐遁 4.[C]静居处; 隐居处 5.[U,C]【宗】静修(期间) v.[I]




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����1. He retreated his chair with intense disgust.



����1. After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax.


����2. The soldiers had to retreat when they were beaten in battle.


����3. I will not retreat from my commitments.



����1. He went to his mountain retreat for the weekend.


����2. The army's retreat was orderly.



����1. �˱�;����;�뿪

����If you retreat, you move away from something or someone.

����e.g. 'I've already got a job,' I said quickly, and retreated from the room...


����e.g. The young nurse pulled a face at the Matron's retreating figure.


����2. (����)���ˣ���ȴ

����When an army retreats, it moves away from enemy forces in order to avoid fighting them.

����e.g. The French, suddenly outnumbered, were forced to retreat...


����e.g. Retreating soldiers were dousing homes and shops with petrol and setting them on fire.


����3. ������Զ��(�ƻ������ʽ��);�ӡ�������

����If you retreat from something such as a plan or a way of life, you give it up, usually in order to do something safer or less extreme.

����e.g. I believe people should live in houses that allow them to retreat from the harsh realities of life...


����e.g. From bouncing confidence she had retreated into self-pity.


����4. ���ӵ�;������

����A retreat is a quiet, isolated place that you go to in order to rest or to do things in private.

����e.g. He spent yesterday hidden away in his country retreat.


����5. �Ҵ��뿪;�ֻʳ���

����If you beat a retreat, you leave a place quickly in order to avoid an embarrassing or dangerous situation.

����e.g. Cockburn decided it was time to beat a hasty retreat.



����1. We had to go into training retreat a month early for the preliminaries, he laughs.


����2. Texas is the 16th state to pass the duty to retreat through the legislature.


����3. Learned this song during the Christian retreat at Lynchburg last year. It is sangin Cantonese.


����4. With age-matched Lu You are very congenial affection, the two childhood, Erbinsimo, although in the hurried retreat, about two teenagers who do not understand things are still accompanied by a pure and too busy to spend a good time.


����5. Although we cannot depend on business of game of a Japan merely, be in China of the market retreat in defeat, decided the die out of Japanese network game.


����6. Direct business is in China the Beidasiman that retreat in defeat, unusual to Ou Wei development expresses a hope.



����spiritual retreat���޻�

����Couples Retreat���¶ȼٴ� ; ���ѹ����մ� ; ���¶ɼٴ� ; ���¹����մ�

����Retreat Cost���߷��� ; ���ѷ���

����surrender retreatҲ������ʧ�� ; ͷ������� ; Ҳ��������� ; Ҳ����

����rope retreat����ʱ��

����worm retreat����ʱ��

����parallel retreatƽ�к���

����emergency retreat������ܴ� ; ��������

����Burning Retreatȼ���˱�










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