Otard 价格

歐塔 Otard XO,完美混成產自優質林區的葡萄釀製呈色細緻之紅與黃琥珀色,氣味呈現含榛果、皮革、蜂蜜、拂曉樹,融合了梅子柔香,並由紫羅蘭的香味完成了點睛之筆。經過多年古堡地窖的陳釀,有著多層次口感,優雅的水果香氣,長年份的醇厚,以及紫羅蘭的軟潤觸感,豪達干邑是極少數擁有溫濕藏酒庫。藏酒庫溼度 90%,全年15°C常溫,近夏朗德河側築3米厚牆, 絕佳而獨特的增陳處理,始能保證豪達干邑平衡、和諧而醇美的口感。

Üppige Reife mit Nuancen von Frucht, Vanille und einem Hauch von Tabak. Am Gaumen stringent mit packendem Gerbstoff, markanten Fassnoten und kraftvollen Kräutertönen. Sehr langes Finish mit vielschichtiger Würze.

Non Vintage Tasted: Nov 2016

Sehr intensive Noten von Bitterschokolade, Nougat, Eiche und Tabak. Diese Komplexität ist am Gaumen äquivalent, der Körper sehr mild und seidig. Ebenso weich und leicht trocken im Abgang. Nobel.

Non Vintage Tasted: Nov 2009

Moderately deep orangy colour. Accents of candied fruit, spices and dried citrus on the nose. Great harmony, expression, body and length on the palate. Extremely pure style with the same refined aromas.

The nose is elegant and offers a fine sensation of tension, a fine richness (full of control) and a small intensity. It reveals notes of yellow peach, small candied yellow fruits, small notes of caramelized kumquat associated with small touches of caramel pear, apricot flowers, cigar box, vanilla pod as well as fine hints of camphor, dry violet and an imperceptible hint of tea. The palate is fruity, well-balanced and offers a fine acidulous frame, a small tension, fullness, a certain generosity, suavity as well as a small dry side, gourmandize and elegance. On the palate this Cognac expresses notes of caramel pear, crystallized mandarine, small notes of caramelized kumquat associated with small touches of small crushed yellow fruits, pâtisserie, cedar wood, tobacco as well as hints of crème brûlée, coffee, Bourbon vanilla pod and a subtle hint of dry violet/pepper.

4. 百加得公司由法昆多·百加得于1862年2月4日在古巴的圣地亚哥建立,总部在百慕大。如今百加得在80个国家拥6,500位员工,年营业额超过50亿美元,是全世界最大的私营烈酒公司,制造着国际认可的烈酒产品。

5.百加得中国(Bacardi China)主要品牌有:意大利马天尼起泡葡萄酒,百加得朗姆酒,帝王苏格兰威士忌,法国灰雁伏特加,42纬之下伏特加,伦敦孟买蓝宝石金酒,皇太子伏特加,百加得冰锐朗姆预调酒。




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