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  1. Expedite: accelerate
  2. Escort=convoy: accompany
  3. Account: report a description, to consider
  1. Account for sth.: explain the cause of sth.
  2. Take (sth.) into account= take account of sth.
  3. On account of: because of…
  4. On all accounts: no matter
  5. On no account: under no circumstance, never
  1. Advent: come, approach. Adventure (n.) Adventurous (adj.)

vs. venture (v.)冒險(n.)風險項目ex. undertake commercial venture

vs. venue (n.)會場,犯罪地點

  1. Affect: pretend. Affectation: behave affectedly. 假裝,做作

affective (adj.)relating to emotions, sentimental情感的

  1. Deputy: (n.) agent代理人,副手, (adj) subordinate, inferior

Depute (v.) authorize, represent, delegate委任,代理

  1. Ag=do, Agile: lively, nimble (vs. numb (v.)(adj.)麻木), perceptive. 靈活的, 敏捷的

Agitate: stir up, cause turmoil, incite, instigate, inflame, provoke 鼓動, 煽動

  1. Alternate (v.) take turns, interchange, substitute

(adj.) rotating, one after the other. vs. Alternative (adj.) optional (choose 1 from 2) (n.) option, choice

  1. In the final analysis: in conclusion,
  2. Anthropology: the study of humankind
  3. Anticipatory: expressing anticipation, preparatory, expectant 預期的
  4. Appeal: (n) earnest request. vs. appear出現

(v.) to make an earnest request, act of appealing (take a question to a higher court) 上訴

Appeal/ make an appeal to sb. sth. 請求

Appeal/ make an appeal to sb. sth. 上訴

  1. Tackle: (v.) deal with. ex. tackle the problem. (n.) equipment, gear. ex. tackle box
  2. Appropriate: (also) illegally take without permission挪用, put (money) on one side for a special purpose撥出(款項), set aside, allot (n.) allotment
  3. Archaeology考古學, Archaeologist考古學家

vs. Architecture建築學, Architect建築師

  1. Arctic (n.)北極, (adj)北極的vs. Antarctic (n.)南極,(adj)南極的
  2. Rigorous: harsh, strict, severe
  3. Synthetic: (adj.) artificial, fake, not genuine.

(n.) something made through synthesis, man-made product 合成纖維, 合成物.

  1. 纖維, fabric織物, stringy (線的)纖維的

photosynthetic (adj.)光合作用的, photosynthesis (n.) ex. The plant carries out photosynthesis.

  1. Assess: (v.) evaluate, estimate (n.) assessment

vs. Access: (v.) gain entrance to, access to 進入. (n.) approach, permission to enter

  1. Allot: allocate, assign, distribute
  2. On the assumption that… =under the hypothesis of…= suppose that 假設
  3. Tribute: offering, gift貢物, tributary (n.) small stream支流. vs. retribute: retaliate, revenge報答
  4. Auditorium 禮堂, auditory: related to hearing聽覺的
  5. Democratic: 民主的, democracy民主

vs. Autocratic: 專制的, autocracy專制, monocracy獨裁,

  • 權威,職權, authoritarian專制的,專制主義者, authoritative 權威的,專制的
  1. Be available to sth. =be availed of (avail利用,有用於) (vs. valid有效的)=be turn into account
  2. Bestow= confer: grant, give, award, prize (payment/punishment.)

ex. The college bestowed an honorary degree him.

  1. Bear-bore-born/ borne

Bear sth. 與~相關, 對~有影響 ex. The information bears on this case.

  1. Behave yourself 放規矩些
  2. Be bent on doing… 決心做…
  3. Iron forge 鐵工廠, forge: (n.) smithy, blacksmith’s shop, (v.) strengthen, hammer into shape
  4. -let:小 ex. Booklet (=pamphlet=brochure =leaflet傳單), filmlet, houselet, townlet, statelet, dovelet, couldlet, piglet
  5. Limb: branch of tree, projecting jointed appendage ((v.)append附加) of the body 樹幹,四肢

vs. limp: irregular awkward walk 跛行(n.) (v.)

vs. lamb: young sheep, innocent people

vs. lamp: artificial light

  1. Rear: (v.) lead to, bring up, raise. ex. I rear cattle.

(n.) back end. (adj.) back, hind. ex. rear-view mirror後照鏡

  1. Bully= overbear=hector=browbeat
  2. Burst into tears/ laughter= burst out crying/ laughing突然哭/笑
  3. Canal河渠, river tracing溯溪, irrigate (v.)灌溉
  4. Captivate (v.) enchant, charm 迷惑, 吸引.

Captive (n.) prisoner 俘虜 ex. He fell captive to her charm. (adj.) imprisoned

Captivity (n.) imprisonment, confinement 監禁 ex. He is held in captivity.

  1. Magnitude: extent, dimensions, capacity. ex. An earthquake of magnitude 5 hit Japan last night.
  2. Offhand: casual, by chance, improvised 即興的 (improvise (v.)即興創作, (n.) improvisation)
  3. Introspect: (v.) look into oneself, self-analyzing 自省 (n.) introspection
  4. Cater to/for sth.= satisfy desires, fulfill wishes迎合. catering 餐飲業

= Pamper (v.)indulge one’s desires, spoil, coddle驕縱. ex. Mothers always pamper children.

(n.) disposable diaper尿布, 幫寶適

  1. Characterize (v.) ex. He characterizes her as lively. ex. The singer is characterized by her voice.

Characteristic (n.) trait, attribute (adj) distinctive, typical. ex. Humorous speech is (x the) characteristic of the host.

  1. Benevolent (adj.), benevolence: (n.) generosity, charity, kindness, humanity.
  2. Circle (n.)圓, encircle (v.) surround, enclose包圍, circulate (v.) distribute, pass around循環

Circuit (n.) orbit, fixed route 迴路ex. Protection circuit. circuitous (adj) indirect, roundabout迂迴的

Cycle (n.) an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs 週期, 循環 (v.) ride a bicycle

  1. Cite (v.) refer to =make reference to提及, quote, instance(v.) 引用.

 Citation (n.) quotation

  1. Civil (adj.) polite, relating to citizens. ex. Civil servant 公務員

Civilian: ordinary citizen 平民

  1. Commodity=merchandise=goods. ex. Commodity tax 貨物稅
  2. Commune (n.) 公社. Communal (adj.) 公有的, 公共的. Community (n.) 社區
  3. Plic=fold重疊
  4. 使複雜, implicate隱含,使牽連, explicate解釋,
  5. 複製,使成雙, multiplicate (adj)多重的
  6. Be comprised of= be composed of= be made up of

Comprise= compose= consist of= make up from

vs. The chair is made wood. Wine is made grapes.

  1. Compel (v.) = oblige/ obligate sb. to= force 強迫

Compulsory= mandatory= obligatory

Compelling=persuasive=convincing 有說服力的

  1. Conflict= struggle= clash= discord (n.) unharmonious sounds (v.) = disagreement

Come to conflict with…=be in conflict with…=go against= struggle against sth 與~衝突

  • 反) Resolve/ ease/ avoid the conflict
  1. -flict: 打

Afflict (v.): distress, causing suffering, torment and torture. 折磨,

be afflicted with sth. = be plagued with= be suffering from 被~折磨

Afflictive (adj.) 折磨人的, affliction (n.)

Inflict (v.) impose sth. unpleasant ex. My master inflicted hard work me.

Inflictive (adj.)施加痛苦的, infliction (n.)施加的事物

  1. Consistent= coherent (also) express oneself in a clear and consistent manner通順的

Be consistent with…=be identical with/ to 與~一致 ex. Principles should be consistent with actions.

  1. Consult sb. about sth. = consult with sb.= take consult with sb. =confer with sb. on sth. 和~商議某事
  2. Carry out/ execute a contract
  3. 違背, 破壞/ violate / break a contract. ex. breach of contract/ agreement/ duty.
  4. -tract=pull. Tractor拖引機

Attract 吸引, Contract 收縮,

Extract <from> 抽出remove, squeeze, press, take out

Protract 延長,拖延 prolong, postpone, lengthen, extend, expend

Retract 撤回retreat, recant, renounce, disavow否認 (vow(v.)宣示), draw back. ex. retract one’s word.

  1. by contrast =on the contrary
  2. kernel核心,核: center, core (vs. sore(n.) (adj.)痛, sole (adj.)唯一的,(n.)腳板, mole痔)
  3. corporate body 法人 (body corporate)
  4. corpus: collection of writings 彙編, 屍體(=corpse)(vs. casualty/ casualties傷亡者)
  5. corridor: hallway 走廊
  6. Crash: 撞毀, 墜落(v.) smash into, break into pieces, fall apart. (n.) wreck, collapse

ex. The motorcycle crashed into the fence. ex. car crash車禍

  • 壓碎, 迷戀, 擁擠人群(v.) smash into, break into pieces. (n.) great crowd

ex. Don’t crush the box. He has a crush on her.

Clash: 衝突<with>, 發出碰撞聲 (v.) bang together, make a loud sound. (n.) banging sound, conflict

ex. The car clashed against the wall and we heard the clash.

Crack: 爆裂, 裂痕 (v.) (n.) split, fracture. ex. There’s a crack in the glass. He cracked a joke.

ex. The government (鎮壓) illegal trading.

  1. Cure sb. of sth. 治癒某人某病/劣習

ex. Antibiotics (抗生素) help to cure formerly fatal diseases.

contagious =infectious =infective =epidemic =spreading =catching 傳染的

  • 各種疾病:
  • 疹子 ex. I have/ got a rash on my arms.

Chicken pox水痘 ex. Tom gave me the chicken pox.

vs. smallpox天花 ex. Everyone in immune to smallpox nowadays.

  • 流鼻血 ex. I had nosebleed earlier today.
  • 眼結膜炎 ex. I got conjunctivitis.

Fever ex. He has a high fever高燒. Aspirin can reduce fever退燒.

  • 蛀牙ex. Cavities in teeth are caused by decay.

Nearsightedness/ myopia (n.)近視, (adj.) nearsighted =myopic

Vaccinate (v.)接種疫苗, ex. He had a vaccination against rabies (狂犬病).

  • 中風, heat stroke熱中暑, diabetes糖尿病, anemia貧血, heart disease心臟疾病,

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)愛滋病,

  • Three-Hypers: Hyperglycemia, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension

Blood sugar血糖, blood lipid血脂, blood pressure血壓

Hypertension/ high blood pressure, (反)低血壓hypotension/ low blood pressure

  1. Deduce (v.) draw conclusion, establish by deduction 演繹,推斷

vs. Deduc(v.) subtract from total演繹, 減去

vs. Conduct (v.)引導,帶領 (n.) conduction傳導

Diminish (v.): reduce. Diminishing (adj.): decreasing, declining, lessening

  • 加減乘除: What is 2 plus 3?

2+3=5: 2 plus 3 equals 5= 2 and 3 is 5

3-2=1: Subtract 2 from 3 equals 1 =3 minus 2 leaves 1

5*4=20: 5 multiplied by 4 is 20 =5 times 4 equals 20.

15/3=5: 15 divided by 3 is 5

3的2次方為9: 3 raised to the 2nd power/ to the power of 2 is 9 =3 squared is 9.

9開根號為3: The square root of 9 is 3.

3的3次方為27: 3 cubed equals 27.

1/5= one fifth. 2/3=two thirds. 7/10=seven tenths

  1. Deprive of = bereave of = strip of/ off/ from = dispossess sth.

Possess (v.) dominate, control 持有. possession (n.) property, ownership, asset

Confiscate (v.)充公 ex. confiscate property

Derivative (adj.)衍生的,派生的

  1. Descend (v.)下降Descent (n.)

Descendant (n.) 後代 = offspring, descended from ancestor or race.

Legacy 遺產 =inheritance (v.) inherit: property left by decreased person to heirs

Succeed (v.)繼承, ex. He will succeed to the estate. 接在…後ex. The storm was succeeded by calm.

Succession (n.)連續,繼承權,繼承順序ex. He is the first in succession to the throne.

succeeding =successive =subsequent =later後來的

  1. Despise (v.) 鄙視: disdain (v.) (n.), look down on, contempt, scorn

Despite (n.) Contemptuous defiance(反抗) or disregard(忽視)

  1. Discipline (v.) punish, bring order, train處罰,訓練. (n.) punishment, training紀律,處分

Discipline…for… 因~處罰

Discipline sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

  1. Dissertation 專題論文,學位論文
  2. Natural disaster: (Famine飢荒, plague瘟疫)

Avalanche, blizzard, drought, forest fire, landslide, mudslide, lighting, storm, rainstorm, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption

  • 颱風相關:

Uproot the trees, evacuate residents, power cut, anticipated food prices raise, store food, do some precautions (預防措施), stay alert (警戒)

Deluge 洪水,氾濫 (v.)(n.) / torrent 急流(n.) torrential rain/ downpour(s) 傾盆大雨/ drenching(使濕透) rain

-The typhoon will landfall(登陸) and bring devastating/ roaring winds and intense rain.

-The rainfall(降雨量) has already reached 150mm within 6 hours.

-The Central Weather Burea issued a sea/ land warning (海/陸上警報).

  • 地震相關:earthquake, quake, tremor, tremble

Magnitude 震度(規模) ex. a magnitude 7 earthquake hit Taiwan. Intensity (各地)強度, Hypocenter震源, Epicenter 震央, Plate板塊, After shock 餘震

  1. Drawback= shortcoming= defect= inferiority (inferior=subordinate) = deficiency= inadequacy
  2. Due: (also)proper, right, suitable

Give sb. his due 公正對待某人

Fall due= come due= become due: reach the due date 期滿

  1. Discharge: unload goods, dismiss, release (also) wipe out, eliminate
  2. Enterprise事業,企業. Entrepreneur 企業家
  3. Entitle sb. to v./ sth. : grant a right to…

ex. He entitled me to attend the meeting. ex. He entitled me to a free meal.

  1. Equivalent: corresponding, be comparable to sth./ sb., similar ex. be equivalent to sth./ in方面
  2. Exceed= surpass= overtake= excel= outdo= go beyond.  ex. The car is exceeding the speed limit.
  3. Exceptional: out of the ordinary, unusual (+) ex. He showed exceptional ability in mathematics.
  4. Exclusive: (adj.) not divided or shared with others (n.)獨家新聞
  5. Executive: (adj.) administrative, operational (n.) person with administrative or managerial powers 高級行政官員,主管, executive branch of government行政部門

ex. CEO: Chief Executive Officer.ex. Executive Yuan行政院, Legislative Yuan 立法院

  1. Execute: carry out, put into practice/ effect, perform, put to death

Execution: put a condemned person to death in accordance with a judicial process

ex. death penalty= capital punishment死刑. life imprisonment= life sentence無期徒刑.

(without) parole 假釋

ex. be condemned/ sentenced to death/ life被判死刑/無期徒刑

  • 犯罪相關:
  • 嫌犯, criminal= wrongdoer= culprit罪犯, prisoner=inmate囚犯

Murder, 重罪, assault攻擊 (personal assault), rape (pervert= deviant (v.)deviate from norm)變態), arson縱火malicious, malevolent惡意的 burning (arsonist縱火犯), abduction= kidnapping綁架(v.) abduct=kidnap

Court, judge, jury陪審團, lawyer=attorney, alibi不在場證明, verdict (n.)判決,

accuse sb. sth. = sue sb. sth. = charge sb. sth.控告

  1. Expand=extend=amplify (=reinforce) =enlarge

Expanse=extent, open space, a wide scope浩瀚 vs. expense (n.) 花費

Extend (v.) stretch, unfold, (n.) extension: expansion, branch of a telephone network 分機

vs. extent (n.) scope, range程度

  • compress, 解壓縮decompress
  1. External= exterior= outer= outside

vs. internal= interior= inner= inside

  1. Fabulous (adj.) =legendary=appearing in fables=marvelous. marvel: (n.) miracle (v.) be astonished
  2. Fancy (v.) be fond of, have a desire for sth. , imagine, see in one’s mind. ex. I don’t fancy going out.

(n.) fondness, imagination, tendency. ex. I take a fancy watching movie. ex. I have a fancy movie.

(adj.) expensive, precious, exquisite, delicate. ex. Fancy foods usually cost a lot.

  1. Flawed beauty= a fly in the ointment美中不足, flawless= impeccable= faultless
  2. Flop (v.) hall with a thud, plunk down, fall clumsily. (n.) huge failure (slang)

(adj.) floppy: loose, flexible, slack, limp

  1. Forage (v.) search/hunt/ grope/ rummage for (food)搜尋(食物) ex. The foragers forage for food.

(n.) food for horses and cattle草料飼料

90. fragile =brittle =frail =friable =feeble =crisp =delicate =breakable =weak

   ex. Can you mark it as fragile? Please handle with care.

91. congeal=freeze: change from liquid to solid. 蒸發evaporate, 凝固freezing

92. chromosome 染色體,

genetic (adj.)遺傳的=hereditary (n.) heredity =inherent (n.) inherence =instinctive (n.) instinct =inborn

93. colossal =gigantic =tremendous =giant

94. hatch (out) a plan/ plot

95. herbicide除草劑, insecticide/ pesticide殺蟲劑 (pest害蟲, pester (v.)打擾糾纏=annoy=bother), (mosquito) repellent防蚊液

96. literate (n.)識字的人 (adj.)受過教育的

   illiterate (n.)文盲 (adj.)文盲的 =uncultured =uneducated =uncultivated

97. impose =inflict (a penalty) on sb. 強加 ex. Impose (duties/ taxes) on sb. 向~課稅

   Imposing 莊嚴的

98. 激起(v.) spur(馬刺隊Spurs) =motivate, (adj.) motivational, = stimulate, (adj.) stimulating,

=arouse, (adj.) arousing, =provoke, (adj.) provocative

99. -cid降落降臨:

   Accident意外=casualty =misadventure =mishap ex. I met him by accident. I met him with an accident.

   Incident (n.)事件, incidence機率=occurrence, incidental (adj.)次要的=secondary

   Coincidence (n.)巧合=unforeseen event, coincide (v.)同時發生=happen simultaneously

   Occident (n.)西方=western hemisphere (Europe and America)

   Deciduous (adj.)每年落葉的 ex. A deciduous tree

100. indigenous: native, aboriginal (n.) aborigine, originating from a place. Ex. They take a shine to indigenous women.

vs. diligent: hardworking, industrious

101. -duce 引導

    Reduce (v.) reductive (adj.) reduction (n.)

    Produce (v.) productive (adj.) production (n.)

Introduce (v.) introductive (adj.) introduction (n.)

Induce (v.) 引誘, 歸納 inductive (adj.) induction (n.)誘因=incentive <to> =motive =stimulus

Deduce (v.) 演繹deductive (adj.) deduction (n.)

102. initiate (v.) put into operation 開始, 啟蒙

    Initial (adj.) primary, original最初的, 起首字母.

    Alphabet全套字母. Character字元.

    Capital letter =uppercase letter大寫字母. lowercase letter小寫字母

    Vowel (sound)母音. Consonant (sound)子音

103. insight <into> =perception <of> 洞察,

percept (n.)認知, perceive (v.)意識到, perceptive (adj.)感知的=intelligent

    Preserve (v.)保存Preservation (n.)

vs. nature reserve自然保護區, reserve for替~保留, without reserve無保留地, in reserve儲存備用vs. Persist (v.)堅持= persevere, Perseverance =willpower (n.)毅力, perseverant (adj.)鍥而不捨的

104. Insist <on/that> =urge (=advocate) =press =stress

Persist <in/ with> =endure =prevail =persevere =go on (反) desist

Desist <from>停止,打消念頭 =cease =halt =discontinue =abandon (反)persist

Resist抗拒=oppose =withstand =counteract (反)obey =submit

105. -stitute建構

institute (v.) establish, found, set up, initiate, organize (n.) foundation, organization, institution機構

Constitute (v.) comprise, compose, make up. ex. Six members constitute the committee.


Substitute (v.) replace with/ by, take the place of (vs. take place發生), exchange, interchange. ex. We substitute margarine for butter. (n.) replacement, substitution

Destitute (adj.): poor, penniless, needy, impoverished, poverty-stricken

Prostitute (v.) engage in prostitution (n.) person who provides sexual services, whore, harlot

Restitute (v.)補償pay back, make reparations, compensate, reimburse, remunerate, restore


-tude 名詞,表狀態

Aptitude: inherent ability ex. He has a remarkable aptitude for music.

Attitude: viewpoint, standpoint, opinion ex. Try to have a positive attitude toward/ to/ about everything.

Altitude:高度,海拔perpendicular(垂直的) distance ex. The plane climbed to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Latitude:緯度angular distance between imaginary parallel line and equator(赤道), longitude經度

Fortitude: (n.)剛毅courage, bravery, endurance

Gratitude: gratefulness, thankfulness, appreciation

ex. Her heart flowed with gratitude. She expressed her gratitude to everyone.

Magnitude: extent, dimensions, capacity ex. An earthquake of magnitude 5 hit Japan last night.

106. insufficient =inadequate =deficient =unsatisfactory =lacking

107. juvenile (n.) adolescence (adj.) adolescent

ex. juvenile crime/ delinquency青年犯罪/失職 (delinquent(adj.) guilty of misdeed.)

108. launch an attack/ strike on/ against 發動~

109. maintain the lead保持領先, maintain silence保持沉默

Retain: keep in possession 保持,保留

110. migrate (v.) ex. migrate from A to B. migration (n.) ex. migration of birds.

migrant (n.)移民者=migrator, migratory (adj.) =wandering =nomadic =straying 遷移的, 流浪的

Immigrate (v.), immigration (n.), immigrant (n.)

Emigrate (v.), emigration (n.), emigrant (n.)

111. module: component, unit模組, 艙. Molecule: 分子(Atom: 原子). Mode: style模式

    vs. Mould (=mold): (n.)鑄模, 常規. (v.) make sth. by shaping it. 模造

112. monument: a structure erected to commemorate

ex. The monument is in memory of a great statesman. =It is a monument to a great statesman.

113. moral= ethical (adj.)道德的 (n.) principles道德標準 (反) immoral =sinful =wicked

vs. Morale: spirit, enthusiasm 士氣

Morality (n.) integrity, ethics 道德, 品行

vs. Mortality (n.) death rate死亡率, 必死性,

mortal (adj.) =fatal (vs. fetal胎兒的) =fateful =deadly =disastrous死亡的, 致命的

114. notion: concept, opinion 概念, 想法 ex. I have no notion of leaving here.

115. organic (反) inorganic, organize (反) disorganize使混亂, 瓦解

116. orthodox: traditional, conventional 傳統的, 正統的 Orthodox東正教 (n.) orthodoxy 正統

vs. Paradox: dilemma 悖論, 自相矛盾的人事

117. ozone (layer)臭氧(層), oxygen氧氣, carbon dioxide二氧化碳, hydrogen氫氣, nitrogen氮氣 

Fossil fuels化石燃料, petroleum石油, gasoline (gas)汽油

ex. I’m getting low on gas. I’m out of gas. Pull into a gas station.

Fuel up加油, fill it up (fill the tank up with gas)加滿, unleaded gas無鉛/ leaded gas含鉛汽油

Regular gas 普通汽油92, 95. Premium gas 高級汽油95, 98. Diesel 柴油

Manual transmission手排, automatic transmission自排, rental rate租車費率

Fare交通工具(車,船,飛機). Fee入場費entrance fee,註冊費(醫療,法律). Toll過路費(路,橋)

Full to full還車加滿油/ free tank 自行決定還車加油與否

車種: Sedan轎車, convertible敞篷車, limousine (limo)豪華轎車, SUV (sport utility vehicle)休旅車

車大小:economy經濟型2-3人 <compact小型車3-4 <intermediate中型車4

<standard標準車4-5 <fullsize 全型車 5

118. play pendulum (鐘擺) =swing like a pendulum =blow hot and cold搖擺不定

119. pilot (also) (adj.) experimental, tentative試驗性的, empirical (經驗的)

120. premier (n.) minister, principal首相 ex. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 

(adj.) foremost, prime, primal vs. primary =elementary 首要的, 基礎的 ex. primary school

121. premise

 (n.) assumption, presupposition, supposition, hypothesis假定 ex. on the premise of…以~為前提

(n.)複數premises房屋及建物 ex. on/ off the premises 在場所內/外

122. -scribe寫

Ascribe: attribute to, assign to, (be) accredit(ed) with歸因於 ex. He ascribes his success to hard work.

Prescribe (v.)開處方, prescription (n.)處方, prescriptive (adj.)規定的imposing rules

Subscribe: ex. I subscribed to the weekly magazine.

Transcribe (v.) make a written copy 謄寫

123. ferocious =fierce =vicious =brutal =cruel =savage兇猛的 ex. ferocious predator兇猛的掠食者

(反) mild =gentle =meek =obedient 溫馴的 ex. fall prey/ victim to 淪為犧牲品

124. priority =preference =precedence (precede (v.)領先, (反)succeed (v.)接續)

=privileged (privilege(v.)給予特權(n.)特權)position =higher rank

ex. A take priority over B… A優先於B

125. formulate/ devise/ draw up a questionnaire on sth. 設計某方面問卷

126. random =haphazard ex.(n.) at haphazard (adj.) in haphazard order =fortuitous=by chance=unorganized

127. recommend:

(1) ex. I recommend that you (should) go home early. (子句接原形V) 同”建堅要命”

(2) ex. I recommend going home early. (直接接Ving) =I recommend you to go home early.

(3) ex. I recommend this book to you.

128. reiterate =recite =repeat =duplicate =replicate ((n.) duplication複本, (n.) replication, replica複製品)

129. resolve (v.)決心, 解決, 分解. ex. resolve to do sth. =be resolved to do sth. 決心做~

vs. dissolve (v.) melt溶解, (adj.) dissoluble =soluble可溶解的 (反) indissoluble

(n.) resolution決議, 堅決, 決心ex. New Year’s resolutions. (n.) resoluteness決斷

(adj.) resolute =resolved =steadfast堅決的 (反) irresolute

vs. solute (n.) dissolved substance分解物

vs. salute (v.) honor, greet敬禮, (n.) 致敬(also) salutation

130. reverse (v.)反轉(adj.)相反的, revert (v.) return to previous condition回復, 復闢

Reversal (n.), reversible (adj.)

131. sediment (n.)沉積物

132. sensation感動,轟動. Sensational轟動的,為人聳聽的=startling. Sensationalism (n.)譁眾取寵

造成轟動cause a sensation =make a hit =make a furor

133. silent =serene =placid =tranquil =tacit (緘默的,心照不宣的ex. tacit approval默許)

(反) auditory =talkative =voluble vs. volume音量,卷策

134. specimen標本,怪人,實例ex. It’s a specimen of his generosity.

135. restrain from抑制=hinder from =rein in (韁繩)駕馭=bridle(轡頭)控制=detain使耽擱,扣留


(反)impel to驅使=propel (vs. compel to強迫)

136.投降surrender (自首) ex. The criminal surrendered himself to the police.

=submit(提出) ex. She refused to submit to his control. =give in =yield ex. yield oneself to~

(also) ex. crop yields 農產量 =haul (拖,拉) down one’s flag =show the white flag

137. (v.) suspect懷疑, (adj.) suspecting =be suspicious of = be doubtful of/ about = be wary of謹防的ex. He is wary of telling secrets.他慎防洩密 =questionable 

138. temperate (also)(adj.) =moderate =self-restrained =composed (鎮靜的)=reasonable

139. wipe out毀滅,消滅,去除 ex. They have wiped out the enemy’s major military.

Wipe off 擦掉,去掉 ex. An unexpected legacy enabled him to wipe off the debt on his house.

Wipe up 擦乾淨 ex. wipe up the dishes/ the spilt milk