冰 敷 英文



保濕冷敷劑Active-Moisture Membraneous ; KUM


冷敷布cold compress

冷敷法cold application ; cool compress



熱敷或冷敷Cold and Hot Compress

濕冷敷cold moist compress


  • 由表皮黑素細胞產生的黑素增加了皮膚上的黑斑。應用冷敷并服用止痛藥能舒解某些曬傷的疼痛。

    pigment cells in the skin increase melanin production (「tan」). cold compresses and analgesics reduce pain.

  • 頭24小時內可以冷敷,有利於止血、消腫.

    you can cover operated area with ice bag in first 24 hours.

  • 等一下, 讓我給你冷敷一下.

    a : wait; let me put cold compress on it.

  • 冷敷常會減輕疼痛.

    a cold compress often alleviates pain.

  • 喉嚨痛用冷敷布敷一下可能會好一些。

    sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses.

  • 熱敷與冷敷都可以緩解癥狀.

    hot packs and cold compresses ease symptoms.

  • 你最好用冰塊來冷敷你腫脹的腳踝.

    you had better pack your swollen ankle with ice.

  • 這種方法的味道比起那種平淡的冷敷法可是好聞多了的,不僅可以讓你放輕松,還可以幫你緩解壓力。

    the smell is more refreshing than plain cold compresses and might help you relax and destress a little.

  • 冷敷來減少疼痛.

    apply cold compresses on it to alleviate the pain.

  • 冷敷來減少疼痛。

    apply cold compresses on it to alleviate the pain.

  • 在另一項研究中,為測試人體體溫與情緒狀態之間的關系,科學家讓受試人員人別抱著冷敷包和熱敷包,并記錄下感知到的孤獨程度。

    in a separate study, to test the link between physical temperature and emotional state, scientists had subjects hold cold and hot packs and recorded levels of perceived loneliness.

  • 通過冷水或冷敷降溫后,在傷口處涂上潤膚露。

    once the burn has cooled via cold water or compress exposure, apply lotion to the area.

  • 根據研究,冷敷的方法每次都會獲得勝利

    according to research, ice wins every time.

  • 為減輕曬傷的癥狀,morgan建議用冷的脫脂牛奶家桑燕麥片做冷敷

    to ease sunburn, morgan recommends applying a compress of cold skim milk mixed with oatmeal.

  • 做一個冷敷袋 。

    make a cold pack.

  • 喉嚨痛用冷敷一下可能會好一些。

    sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses.

  • 他們還提醒說冷敷每次需要20分鐘。

    they caution that ice should be applied only 20 minutes at a time.

  • 除了使用止痛劑和減充血劑,淋巴排毒按摩、冷敷和熱敷都有鎮痛功能。

    along with painkillers and medical decongestants, lymphatic drainage massage, cold compresses and hot packs are all soothing and will ease the pain.

  • 就像燒傷用冰塊冷敷,或者咳嗽含一片止咳糖,對於抽鼻子、打噴嚏、鼻塞,喝一杯熱茶是一個由來已久的民間偏方。

    like ice for a burn or a lozenge for a cough, a cup of hot tea is an age-old balm for sniffles, sneezing and stuffiness.

  • 但最好的辦法是用冰冷敷

    but your best approach may be ice.

  • 一些人覺得熱敷或者冷敷可以緩解疼痛。

    some people may find relief with hot or cold compresses.

  • 如果你的腫脹很明顯地消失,但是還是有些炎癥,在只是使用冰敷治療的幾天后嘗試交替使用熱敷和冷敷

    if your swelling has gone down significantly, but there's still some inflammation, try alternating heat and ice after a few days of ice-only treatment.

  • 對於最好的結果,專家們推薦廉價的治療方法:預防,休息,冷敷,按壓以及把腳抬高。

    for the best results, experts recommend the price method: protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation.

  • 冷敷能快速、有效、安全地消除靜脈外滲性腫脹。

    cold compress could resolve the swelling due to extravasation rapidly, effectively and safely.

  • 我要給扭傷的腳脖子冷敷.

    i shall apply a cold compress to his sprained ankle.

  • 冰凍的黃瓜片,如果沒有什么別的東西,也可以當作冷敷法來消除眼袋。

    chilled cucumber slices, if nothing else, will help to treat eyebags by acting as a cold compress.

  • 西德尼用了多次冷敷,可精神仍然不好,頭腦仍然不清.

    sydney was none the livelier and none the soberer for so much application.

  • 治療主要是使用人工淚液,冷敷,注意手衛生等支持療法。

    treatment is largely supportive with artificial tears, cold compresses, and good hand hygiene.

  • 一項重要的研究發現了快速的冷敷治療會讓病人更早的恢復活動,明確的說就是沒有任何疼痛的行走,爬樓梯,跑跳。

    one prominent study found that immediate ice therapy 「resulted in earlier return to activity, as defined by ability to walk, climb stairs, run and jump without pain.」

  • 滯重的空氣里飄浮著醋味,那是給母親的額頭做冷敷用的。

    the smell of the vinegar used to cool his mother’s brow floated in the heavy air.

  • 在冰敷的15分鐘之間,你還可以用手指輕輕按壓冷敷部位3分鐘。

    also, midway through your ten or fifteen minutes, apply light pressure to your eye bags by gently pressing your fingertips against the cold compress for about three minutes.

  • 扭傷和拉傷應該提高超過48小時的休息,冷敷和止痛藥物,但其他受傷可能需要進一步的治療。

    sprains and strains should improve over 48 hours with rest, cold application and pain medicines but other injuries may need further treatment.

  • 冷敷或者抗炎可以緩解疼痛和炎癥。

    icing and anti-inflammatories will help with the pain and swelling.

  • 冷敷消除了她腿上的腫塊.

    the swelling on her leg was compresses.

  • 他們也證實了冷敷包和高 度孤獨感之間的聯系。

    they confirmed the correlation between cold packs and high loneliness scores.