Arealme 測驗



  • 在一个长方形中,设长为a,宽为b,则该长方形的周长为____?

  • 在同角三角函数的基本关系中:sin²A+cos²A = ____?

  • 这幅作品出自哪位世界著名画家之手?

  • 圆舞曲《蓝色多瑙河》是奥地利哪位著名音乐家的代表作?

We design and create original, high quality, fun quizzes, covering personality, knowledge, relationships and more. We hope that through our quizzes you’ll have fun with your friends, learn lots of interesting facts, and even get to know yourself a little better.

We’ve already created dozens of popular quizzes and we’ve had a lot of fun in the process. Right now we’re working harder to bring you even more quizzes in the near future. So stay tuned.