



大河网讯 “满30减15”的天气让我们的肠胃又进入了危险期,尤其是肠胃功能差的人,吃的不小心很容易产生肠胃问题,不消化、拉肚子等等,尤其是上班一族,工作压力大,久坐久站,饮食作息不规律,就会患上胃肠炎,郑州大学附属郑州中心医院消化内科主任吴慧丽为我们讲解肠胃炎疾病科普。




急性肠胃炎了,该怎么办呢?吴慧丽说,肠胃炎是一种很常见的胃肠道疾病,一般非为急性肠胃炎和慢性肠胃炎,应该从以下方面应对。一、要保证充分休息。 充分休息外,同时由于剧烈的呕吐和腹痛,此时,需要适度禁食,对肠胃刺激的食物尤其应该禁止。二、补充水分。 当然,喝水不能只喝凉白开,可适当在温水里加点盐或糖,补充身体里的电解质,防止脱水。三、服用药物。 常用的止泻药是蒙脱石散。此外,因为剧烈呕吐对肠胃造成了损伤,必要时可以配合肠炎宁以及胃药(奥美拉唑,达喜等)温和服用。





、面食:相对于吃大米来说,其实吃面更适合肠胃不好的人。一是因为面食比较容易消化,这样胃酸就分泌得少,胃肠负担较轻。二是因为面条里面含有碱,其汤是很有营养的。(尧青 陈亚平)




2014-09-23 12:04:37


What is gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis, also known as gastro, is a condition causing inflammation of the lining of your large and small intestines and also your stomach. It can cause fever, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. Gastroenteritis is usually highly contagious and can be contracted by eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated by viruses, bacteria or parasites, through contact with other infected people or through the fecal-oral route. Due to its usually highly-contagious nature, gastroenteritis can quickly spread through communities where close contact is inevitable, such as schools or nursing homes. You can also develop gastroenteritis by ingesting certain medications or chemical toxins. Healthy individuals usually recover from gastroenteritis without any medical intervention, but it can prove fatal to the elderly, frail or very young children. It is the main cause of diarrhea for both adults and children worldwide.


Infectious gastroenteritis is usually caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. The most common way to become infected is by consuming contaminated food or water, or via the fecal-oral route, which involves contact with the fecal matter of an infected person that is transferred to the mouth. With infectious agents, such as bacteria or viruses, the invading germs cause the lining of the intestines to become inflamed and irritated. This inflammation stops water being absorbed and causes watery stools.


Viruses that can cause gastroenteritis include:

  • Norovirus - symptoms can be severe and the infection is usually caused by ingesting contaminated water or food. Oysters and other uncooked seafood are a common source. Particles containing virus can also become airborne during vomiting and contaminate local surfaces. Symptoms appear after 12-48 hours of infection and can last up to three days;
  • Rotavirus- highly contagious, it can cause severe, dehydrating diarrhea in young children and babies, often resulting in hospital admission. The infection is usually spread child-to-child, by fecal-oral transmission;
  • Adenovirus - this highly contagious virus commonly affects children under two years of age. Symptoms can also include sore throat, conjunctivitis and respiratory infection, but these are rarely serious. Spread is via physical contact, sneezing and the fecal-oral route, and;
  • Astrovirus - this is a common cause of gastroenteritis in young children, with less severe effects in adults. It is usually spread by fecal-oral transmission and by eating contaminated foods. Being highly contagious, astrovirus is a common cause of gastroenteritis in schools, childcare centers, or close communities.


Bacteria usually find their way into your body via contaminated food or drinks that have been handled by unwashed hands. Common bacterial infections known to cause gastroenteritis are:

  • Escherichia coli (E. coli) - this strain of bacteria is the most common cause of gastroenteritis caught while travelling through developing nations (traveler's diarrhea). It is caused by fecal contamination in water and food and through poor sanitary habits. It will only affect those who have not built up immunity to it;
  • Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and Cholera bacteria - these are common bacteria that lead to diarrhea. Infection is spread through poor hygiene, contact with animal feces or eating contaminated foods, and;
  • Campylobacter and Shigella - these types of bacteria are often found in animal feces and cause diarrhea. Infection is caused by actions such as consuming contaminated food or water, eating undercooked meat, especially chicken, and not washing your hands after handling infected animals.


Intestinal parasites such as Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and Cryptosporidium can cause gastroenteritis with nausea, watery diarrhea and severe cramping. Poor hand washing, contact with animals and contaminated food are the usual modes of infection.

Chemicals and toxins

Ingesting water or foods tainted by heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium or arsenic and also ingestion of a range of plant, animal and chemical toxins can cause gastroenteritis.


Certain medications, such as magnesium-containing antacids, antibiotics, antiparasitic medication, laxatives and chemotherapy medication can cause gastroenteritis. Your doctor may recommend ceasing your medication temporarily or permanently, depending on the severity of your symptoms.

Risk factors

Gastroenteritis can affect you at any age, no matter where you are from, but the following factors can heighten your risk of being infected:


Young children and babies are highly susceptible to gastroenteritis, as their immune systems are not fully developed. The elderly, especially those living in care homes, are also at greater risk of infection due to close proximity to others.

Communal or public places

You are at much greater risk of being infected with gastroenteritis if you are in close contact with other people on a daily basis.

Weakened immunity

You are at greater risk if you have a weakened immune system due to ongoing illness, stroke, heart disease, chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS or medications that cause an immune deficiency.

Poor hygiene

Poor hygiene and unsanitary food-handling methods make it easy for a wide range of microorganisms to make their way into the food chain. Bacteria from an infected person's stool can easily be passed to others if they do not wash their hands properly after using the bathroom. If they were to go swimming or touch objects such as communal door handles, they could infect numerous people without being aware of it.

Travel to developing nations

Many travelers experience gastroenteritis while travelling through developing nations, where sanitation and food hygiene standards may be poor. Infectious agents may be present in drinking water, food and in communal areas such as bathrooms.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of gastroenteritis include:

  • Diarrhea - usually quite watery - which may contain pus, mucus or blood in more severe cases;
  • Stomach cramps with bloating, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting;
  • Muscle aches and generalized tiredness, and;
  • Low-grade fever and sometimes headache.

Gastroenteritis can cause stomach cramps and nausea. 

Methods for diagnosis

While the majority of cases go undiagnosed, your doctor may suggest the following to discover what is causing your gastroenteritis:

  • Blood tests to check your electrolytes, liver function and full blood count, and;
  • Feces microscopy culture and sensitivity (MCS) test to check for bacteria, cysts and parasites.

Types of treatment

The majority of cases of gastroenteritis are advised to stay at home and rest, with no medical treatment offered. Laboratory-diagnosed parasites and some types of infectious bacteria will require medication. In some cases medication can also be used to help stop severe vomiting. Avoiding dehydration is the main priority, especially in very young children, the elderly or frail individuals. Hospitalization for dehydration is not uncommon and will involve insertion of an intravenous (IV) drip to get fluids back into your system.

Home care

With home-care regimes, the following advice may be given:

  • Avoid solid foods until all vomiting stops;
  • Have complete bed rest to conserve your energy;
  • Avoid close contact with others, as you may infect them too;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after going to the toilet;
  • Take small sips of clear liquids to stay hydrated - try clear broth and non-carbonated drinks;
  • Take oral rehydration drinks to help replace lost fluids;
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol;
  • Avoid spicy or greasy foods and dairy products and start by eating bland foods once your symptoms have calmed down;
  • Avoid medications unless prescribed by your doctor, as they may cause further stomach upsets, and;
  • Avoid taking antibiotics, antidiarrheal medications or antiemetics (they can keep infections in your system and delay recovery), unless prescribed by your doctor.

Bed rest and staying hydrated are essential during gastroenteritis. 


The majority of cases of gastroenteritis do not require medication. Depending on the type of gastroenteritis diagnosed, your doctor may prescribe one of the following:

  • Antiparasitic drugs;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Antiviral drugs (rarely);
  • Antiemetic (anti-nausea) drugs, or;
  • Antidiarrheal drugs.

Potential complications

The main complications of gastroenteritis come from losing fluids (dehydration), which can quickly become life-threatening to small children and babies. If you are over 60 years of age, or have a cardiovascular condition such as heart disease, or a history of stroke, you can also become seriously ill after relatively short periods of diarrhea.

Other complications may include:

  • Malnutrition (lack of nutrition), which leads to weakness;
  • Dehydration (lack of water in your body). In children, watch for sunken eyes, lack of energy, dizziness, dry skin and lack of tears or urine;
  • Anemia (low levels of red blood cells) and a pale, exhausted appearance;
  • Electrolyte imbalance (mostly salt and sugar), and;
  • Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) caused by E. coli - this is a very rare condition that affects young children. If your child has blood in their diarrhea, get medical attention immediately.


Gastroenteritis is usually a short-term condition that doesn't tend to be serious for healthy adults, but can be serious and even fatal for less robust individuals. The amount of liquids lost during an episode can lead to severe dehydration, which can be life-threatening if you have a weakened immune system, are a young child or are elderly.


Hygiene is probably one of the most important factors in preventing gastroenteritis. Simple measures to ensure good hygiene include:

  • Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling animals, gardening, changing nappies, going to the toilet, smoking, cleaning up infected vomit or fecal matter, sneezing or handling raw foods;
  • Ensuring raw and cooked foods are not handled with the same utensils or allowed to come into contact with each other;
  • Ensuring cold foods are kept under 41°F (5°C) and hot foods are kept above 140°F (60°C) to avoid bacterial growth;
  • Ensuring all foods are well cooked, especially meat and seafood;
  • Replacing cloth towels with paper towels;
  • Ensuring all kitchen surfaces are kept clean and not allowing family pets to access food preparation areas;
  • Washing all toys and equipment that infected children have been in contact with;
  • Keeping your bathroom clean, especially the toilet and any handles or taps that are constantly touched;
  • Keeping babies' changing mats clean by wiping with disinfectant after each use;
  • When travelling to developing nations, only using bottled water (even for brushing teeth), not having ice in drinks, avoiding uncooked foods, food buffets and already-peeled fruits and vegetables, and;
  • Not swimming in water used by animals or, if you do, keeping your head above water to avoid swallowing water.

Frequent and thorough hand washing with soap can prevent gastroenteritis. 


  1. Barclay L. Norovirus may cause 20% of gastroenteritis worldwide. Accessed from link here
  2. Better Health Gastroenteritis. Accessed from link here
  3. Food and Water Safety | Travelers Health | CDC. Accessed 16 July 2014 from link here
  4. For the Record: A History of the Definition & Management of Travelers Diarrhea - Chapter 2 - 2014 Yellow Book | Travelers Health | CDC. (-a). Accessed 16 July 2014 from link here
  5. For the Record: A History of the Definition & Management of Travelers Diarrhea - Chapter 2 - 2014 Yellow Book | Travelers Health | CDC. (-b). Accessed 16 July 2014 from file:///C:/Users/karen.mccloskey/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/Profiles/xgn8mfnk.default/zotero/storage/4Z9H6S8Q/for-the-record-a-history-of-the-definition-and-management-of-travelers-diarrhea.html
  6. Gastroenteritis. Better Health Channel. Accessed 7 July 2014 from link here
  7. Pediatric Gastroenteritis. (2013a). Accessed from link here
  8. Pediatric Gastroenteritis. (2013b). Accessed from link here
  9. Rotavirus - Department of Health Victoria Australia. Guidelines. Accessed 7 July 2014 from link here
  10. Travelers Diarrhea - Chapter 2 - 2014 Yellow Book | Travelers Health | CDC. Accessed 16 July 2014 from link here

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About this article

Title Gastroenteritis

Author:Karen McCloskey BHSc

First published: 23 Sep 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Gastroenteritis

Rating: 4.4 out of 5

Votes: 1556 (Click smiley face below to rate)


急性肠胃炎疼痛位置在腹部正中偏左或脐周压痛,呈阵发性加重或持续性的钝,伴腹部饱胀、不适。 少数病人出现剧的,肠鸣音多亢进。 急性肠胃炎的呕吐物为未消化食物,吐后感觉舒服,有的病人直至呕吐出黄色胆汁或胃酸。 急性肠胃炎患者出现腹泻症状,随胃部症状好转停止,可为稀便和水样便。


要保证充分休息。 充分休息外,同时由于剧烈的呕吐和腹痛,此时,需要适度禁食,对肠胃刺激的食物尤其应该禁止。.
补充水分。 当然,喝水不能只喝凉白开,可适当在温水里加点盐或糖,补充身体里的电解质,防止脱水。.


在急性胃肠炎治疗恢复过程中,要特别注意饮食,从少量、清淡、半流质的饮食开始,以防止脱水或治疗轻微的脱水。 逐渐控制进食的量,还应该避免食用冰镇、油炸等食物,以免加重病情。 尽量卧床休息,病情轻者口服葡萄糖--电解质液以补充体液的丢失。 如果持续呕吐或明显脱水,则需静脉补充5%~10%葡萄糖盐水及其他相关电解质。


病毒性胃肠的主要症状是腹泻和呕吐,病毒性胃肠患儿还可能出现以下症状: 发烧 胃痉挛或胃痛