前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

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前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Ajita There is a marker now. When a body goes into hypnosis, it is wide awake and well aware of current day as well. Don't mistake that it is powerless and …moreThere is a marker now. When a body goes into hypnosis, it is wide awake and well aware of current day as well. Don't mistake that it is powerless and forgotten the present. It sees everything from a distance and if doesn't want to disclose any particular event- it will not.(less)

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Satyajeet Prabhu More than the reincarnation bit, if you found the idea of masters intriguing , then read these books - Autobiography of a yogi, Teachings of Don Juan,…moreMore than the reincarnation bit, if you found the idea of masters intriguing , then read these books - Autobiography of a yogi, Teachings of Don Juan, Living with the Himlayan masters. I believe all these evolved souls have the same knowledge of truth but approach it in different ways.(less)

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前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

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前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

This is one of the worst books I've ever read - parading as a scientific analysis when it is nothing of the sort.

Dr Weiss has conducted his research without scientific protocols or peer review, yet as a "scientist", Dr Weiss should have the skills and resources necessary to have conducted his "investigation" properly and scientifically. The fact that he chose not to has, I believe, discredited his book as a work of fairy tale-like fiction.

Rather than a conventional review, I will go through some

This is one of the worst books I've ever read - parading as a scientific analysis when it is nothing of the sort.

Dr Weiss has conducted his research without scientific protocols or peer review, yet as a "scientist", Dr Weiss should have the skills and resources necessary to have conducted his "investigation" properly and scientifically. The fact that he chose not to has, I believe, discredited his book as a work of fairy tale-like fiction.

Rather than a conventional review, I will go through some of the claims made in the book, page by page, and show how it's full of nonsense.

Page 27-28 – In regressing under hypnosis an anonymous patient called Catherine to a “past life”, Dr Weiss claims that Catherine can “vividly” see that, “The year is 1863 BC”. Yet this date could not have existed at that time, so how could Catherine possibly have seen it? In later hypnosis sessions, Catherine was only able to reveal the date of her past life if she could “see or hear” it: so it makes a complete nonsense of history to be able to “see” a date that didn’t exist contemporaneously.

Page 28 – In another hypnosis session, Catherine claimed that her daughter from 1863 BC, called Cleastra, was her niece in the present time called Rachel. Why didn’t Dr Weiss question Catherine more closely about this astonishing claim? It could simply have been the result of Catherine’s vivid imagination. How precisely did she know? No details, scientific basis or substance are provided; it was just presented by Dr Weiss as a fact.

Page 29 – Catherine states now that she is in the year AD 1756 and her name is Louisa. Why no surname mentioned? With a surname in more modern time such as the 18th Century, the existence of such a person could be verified. Throughout the book, Catherine never states and is never asked for a surname. Neither is any specific address given or asked, which could be factually verified.

Page 30 – Dr Weiss asks Catherine if he appeared in her past life. Yes, she replies, Dr Weiss was her teacher in the year 1568 BC. Again, no questioning on how Catherine could presume that. It is accepted and presented as fact by Dr Weiss, without challenge. Again, a contemporaneously non-existent date is presented, when dates of more modern times could not be revealed as Catherine claimed she could not “see” them.

Page 36 – Dr Weiss claims that reincarnation was mentioned in the Bible, but it had been deleted early on. Where is the source? For a doctor who claims to have written many scientific journals, this is one book written in a most unscientific way. Dr Weiss does not provide a list of sources or references to support any of the claims he makes in this book.

Page 42 – Now Catherine claims that the man who killed her in 1473 was her current boyfriend, called Stuart. Again, no questioning by Dr Weiss on exactly how she came to this conclusion. Also, Dr Weiss did not give Catherine’s verbatim account, even though Dr Weiss claimed to have written down or recorded her words. This was a critical commentary by Catherine, and Dr Weiss should have quoted her directly.

Page 43 – Catherine claims that her mother in a previous, undated life is the same mother she has now. Again, no precise details are provided. No mention of when or where this happened. It’s all skipped over. No clear description of the mother then and her mother now. It’s all accepted without question. This amazing revelation is all over in one paragraph and not mentioned again. Where is the close questioning by the scientist that Dr Weiss is supposed to be?

Page 43 – Dr Weiss states, “According to most writers, groups of souls tend to reincarnate again and again...” Most writers? Maybe Dr Weiss could claim that most writers who write about reincarnation, but surely not most writers generally? It’s this type of imprecise writing that makes Dr Weiss’s book not one of scientific scrutiny and discovery, but a book of imprecise narration. Again, no source to back up his claim about “most writers...”

Page 43 - Dr Weiss states, “I felt the need to apply the scientific method, which I had rigorously used over the past fifteen years in my research, to evaluate this most unusual material emerging from Catherine’s lips.” Good idea. Yet, nowhere in the book does Dr Weiss apply any scientific methods to evaluate the claims made by his patient, Catherine. He only ever makes lip service to scientific methods.

Page 44 – Dr Weiss wrote that, following the hypnosis sessions, Catherine gained “psychic powers”. However, Catherine’s father (in her present life!) expressed doubt about Catherine’s new powers. Dr Weiss wrote, “To prove to him that it was true, she took him to the race track. There, before his eyes, she proceeded to pick the winner of every race.....she took all the money that she had won and gave it to the first poor street person she met on the way out of the track.” Where is the source and independent verification for this story? If true, it should have been easy to check and prove the truthfulness of this account. By not doing so, by not even explaining why he could not do so, Dr Weiss has demeaned the intelligence of every one of his readers.

Page 44 – Dr Weiss states, “This was tangible proof.... I could not deny her psychic abilities.” Dr Weiss calls this one, unverified account of winning at the races as “tangible proof” of psychic abilities. Whatever happened to Dr Weiss’s scientific training? This was not proof at all.

Page 46 – Under hypnosis, Catherine is “regressed” to an unknown date in history to a town she thinks is called “Brennington”. Dr Weiss states, “Here she (Catherine) said some words I could not identify. Whether they were Gaelic or not, I have no idea.” Dr Weiss had no idea? He had recorded the sessions. Surely it would have been easy for him to identify whether the words spoken by Catherine were Gaelic or not, and if he could not, to explain precisely why. The lack of precision, detail, or questioning in Dr Weiss’s writings undermine his title of Doctor.

Page 47 – Dr Weiss wrote of Catherine, “She had never heard of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Yet she was relating similar experiences to those described in these writings. This was a proof of sorts.” A proof of sorts? This was not proof of anything. How could Dr Weiss ascertain that Catherine had never heard of the Tibetan Book of the Dead? His scientific training should have taught him that it is impossible to prove a negative. To put forward this as proof, again makes a mockery of true scientific discovery.

Page 54 – Dr Weiss states that, under hypnosis, Catherine tells him things about his own father and his son, that could not possibly have been known by Catherine. This might be impressive if it was independently verified.

There is no way of telling whether the entire book is a complete work of fiction, and if it is, then of course it would be easy for Dr Weiss to make up anything to try and impress the gullible reader. After all, the existence of Catherine is not proven. She could be a person made up. We don’t know her full name. Why has she not come forward to confirm what Dr Weiss has written about her? This book has made a lot of money. Who knows what was the true motive of Dr Weiss to write it?

Page 57 – Dr Weiss refers to “thousands of cases recorded in the scientific literature” of children miraculously being able to speak foreign languages “to which they had never been exposed.” Again, no source for Dr Weiss’s claims. Not even one book is sourced to show that there has been any scientific study, let alone thousands, about children who speak languages that they have not been taught. I challenge Dr Weiss to provide the so called scientific studies to which he so casually refers.

Page 66 – another hypnosis session in which Catherine is regressed to a town in Wales called something like “Hamstead” when Catherine was a man called “Christian” – again, no surname ever stated. Dr Weiss says, “She could not see a year.” How was it that she could not see a year? It seems that Catherine was only able to tell the year if she could see it written down, but that was impossible for the times she could date from BC. This seems so nonsensical. Then Dr Weiss quotes Catherine as saying, “It’s a port, a seaport in Wales. They’re talking British.” British? There was, and is, no such language as British. Perhaps the people around her were talking Welsh or English, but not British. Why didn’t Dr Weiss question this?

Page 82 – Under hypnosis Catherine described a wedding in a past life. Dr Weiss asks her if there was anything in the newspaper about the wedding, because if there was, he could have looked up the date. “No,” replies Catherine, “I don’t believe they have newspapers there.” Dr Weiss writes, “Documentation was proving difficult to come by in this lifetime”.

This was a nonsensical statement for Dr Weiss to write, as if giving credence to the idea that there was documentary evidence to support any of the other past lives described by Catherine. In fact, Dr Weiss did not provide any documentary evidence at all in his book to support any of the pasts lives described by Catherine.

Page 88 – Dr Weiss writes that he was “driven to pursue the experience with Catherine in a careful, scientific manner” and to look at the information “objectively”. In the book, Dr Weiss makes several references for the need to explore everything in a scientific manner and with objectivity, but nowhere did he do this. This is an old trick. By mentioning the need for scientific scrutiny and repeating often that he is a scientist, to the vulnerable reader, this could seem the same as conducting peer reviewed, empirical, repeatable scientific experiments. But Dr Weiss did no such thing, he just wrote about its importance, without doing it. Dr Weiss did not follow any scientific principles in his study of Catherine.

Page 106 – Dr Weiss simply states that he knows Catherine’s information to be true “intuitively” and “my bones also knew”. This is the best he has to offer. It’s not the same as scientific evidence.

Page 116-117 – Under hypnosis, Catherine describes herself as a 35-year-old German pilot in the Second World War shot down in France. Again, no specific detail is garnered by the questioning of Dr Weiss that could have proved beyond doubt whether such a pilot actually existed; such as what was the pilot’s full name and rank and squadron? This hardly seems the work of a true scientist.

Page 117–118 – Dr Weiss writes, “During this entire process with Catherine, I had been reluctant to discuss her revelations with other professionals. .. I had not shared this remarkable information with others at all.” A true scientist would insist on sharing his data with other professionals to discuss and verify. By not allowing the data to be independently scrutinised, we only have Dr Weiss’s word for what happened between him and “Catherine” and we only have his interpretations of the results. This is simply not good enough. No drug testing, no murder trial, not even a newspaper story, should ever rely upon one unverified source as evidence.

Page 129 – Dr Weiss lists a number of people who had “psychic experiences” without naming them or providing any verification or proof. A chairman of a hospital department whose dead father protects him; a professor whose dreams provide the answers to his research experiments; a “well-known doctor” who knows who is phoning him before he picks up the phone (yeah, isn’t that ‘Caller Display’?!), a woman who’d never been to Rome before but, when she visited, knew every street as if she had previously lived there. This is all gossip; the fact that Dr Weiss is prepared to quote such examples without providing any substance means that he does not adhere to scientific principles at all. This is the case throughout the book, only lip service is made to science, as if that is good enough to make the book scientific, which of course it is not.

Page 159 – during the hypnosis sessions, Dr Weiss states that Catherine speaks the voice of “masters”, sort of gods who control the spirit world and are the well of all wisdom. Of course, Dr Weiss accepts this without question. One master, named by Dr Weiss as the “poet Master”, provided a summary of all wisdom as follows, “Everything must be balanced. Nature is balanced. The beasts live in harmony. Humans have not learned to do that. They continue to destroy themselves. There is no harmony, no plan to what they do. It’s so different in nature. Nature is balanced. Nature is energy and life..and restoration. And humans just destroy. They destroy nature. They destroy other humans. They will eventually destroy themselves.”

This is all just reactionary, doom laden nonsense aimed to appeal to the least sophisticated of human thinking. “The beasts live in harmony”? The animal world is vicious, involving wanton and brutal killing for food, sex, territory and power... animals destroy each other and can often be very damaging to the rest of nature. Look at the damage caused by locusts, for example, or ants, or foxes. Humans are animals too, so we cannot be expected to be any different or, actually, any better. Yet... how many animals have invented courts and parliaments to resolve differences, create laws and govern ourselves in a civilised manner? How many animals stop at traffic lights?

What animals make plans for industry, transport, schools, hospitals and libraries? The standard of living of the average ant hasn’t ever improved..yet humans have made huge strides to improve their way of life. If describing humans as being worse than animals is wisdom that Dr Weiss believes truly comes from “masters” of the universe, then it doesn’t seem so wise or enlightened to me.

Page 199 – Dr Weiss describes how Catherine had gone to see a psychic astrologer called Iris Saltzman. According to Dr Weiss, Saltzman confirmed all of what Catherine had revealed under hypnosis. This is hardly scientific validation. How does Weiss know what really happened at that session with Saltzman? How does he even know it even happened at all?

Page 203 – Dr Weiss describes how progress is going to be made in proving past-life memories. He writes, “The important strides that are going to be made in this field will be made using scientific methodology. In science, a hypothesis, which is a preliminary assumption made about a series of observations, is initially created to explain a phenomenon. From there, the hypothesis must be tested under controlled conditions. The results of these tests must be proved and replicated before a theory can be formed. Once the scientists have what they think is a sound theory, it must be tested again and again by other researchers, and the results should be the same.” I say, hear hear! But throughout his book, Dr Weiss has not used any of the scientific methods he claims to subscribe to.

In fact, his methods were so unscientific, that the so called “evidence” he has presented to the world would have to be excluded from any scientific report, as being a complete sham and the opposite to true scientific discovery.

Page 203 – Dr Weiss quoted several scientists who had published “detailed, scientifically acceptable studies” to support reincarnation. For example, the work of Dr Joseph Banks Rhine, a pioneer of parapsychology. Yet, despite the requirement agreed by Dr Weiss for experiments to be “repeatable”, Dr Rhine’s results could never be duplicated and several of his assistants were accused of fraud. Dr Weiss named Dr Ian Stevenson as another scientist who had proved reincarnation. Yet Dr Stevenson was on record as recognising a “glaring flaw” in his researches: “the absence of any evidence of a physical process by which a personality could survive death and travel to another body”.

Page 217-218 - Dr Weiss explains that after Catherine he has regressed under hypnosis 12 other patients. He recounts a Jewish housewife who ran a 19th Century brothel in New Orleans (surely verifiable, but no substance provided) and who has “even more of a facility for accurately predicting future events”. Dr Weiss claims, “I am still the scientist. All of her material must be scrutinized, evaluated and validated”. Yet, so far, Dr Weiss has failed to do that with any of the material he has presented. At least at the beginning of his book, on page 10, Dr Weiss admits, “I do not have a scientific explanation for what happened.”

In reading “Many Lives, Many Masters”, I had an open mind and was prepared to consider any evidence provided. I am disappointed that a doctor should write an account in such an unscientific manner and without any evidence to offer, when much could have been offered to either validate or disprove what happened.

For example, why not release the recordings of the sessions with the patient? Or at least, prove that the patient really existed? How are we to know that this wasn’t simply a work of fiction? It’s impossible to tell from what has been written. It could have all been made up, only first names have been used. Dr Weiss made no attempts to verify the astounding claims made by his patient, Catherine.

Dr Weiss, on page 11, argues that, “throughout history, humankind has been resistant to change and to the acceptance of new ideas. Historical lore is replete with examples. When Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter, the astronomers of that time refused to accept or even look at the satellites...So it is now with psychiatrists and other therapists, who refuse to examine and evaluate the considerable evidence being gathered about survival after bodily death and about past-life memories. Their eyes stay tightly shut.”

It is disingenuous of Dr Weiss to compare his discoveries with that of Galileo or to claim that there is “considerable evidence” to prove life after death. Galileo’s discoveries were proved by real evidence. So far, there is no similar scientifically validated or accepted evidence to prove life after death or past-life memories. To try to suggest that such “evidence” equates with the discoveries of Galileo is simply quasi-science aimed to hoodwink unquestioning and unscientific members of the public.

Just because “Catherine” spoke her words under hypnosis, why should they be considered any more valid or believable than if she had simply told a story whilst wide awake? Her stories seemed imaginative fiction to me; I could not tell them apart from many other made-up stories I have read or heard, but it doesn’t make them true. People have been telling stories ever since we could talk. There was nothing truly special in the stories of Catherine. All her historical references, which were quite vague anyway, could have been remembered from school lessons or documentaries or other books she had read, or simply from her imagination.

Dr Weiss only claimed to know Catherine in the privacy of his consulting room, he didn’t really know her personally or in the “outside” world. How could Dr Weiss know if she had hidden or even open talents as a story teller? Also, I’ve been hypnotised many times, there’s nothing really that special about it, I knew exactly what I was saying during hypnosis and could remember it all afterwards.

As I wrote at the beginning of my review: Dr Weiss has conducted his research without scientific protocols or peer review, yet as a "scientist", Dr Weiss should have the skills and resources necessary to have conducted his "investigation" properly and scientifically. The fact that he chose not to has, I believe, discredited his book as a work of fairy tale-like fiction.

Review Copyright 2012 Jon Danzig


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Half a "Stay Away, Stay Away" Star (The lowest rating I have ever given a book that I completed.)

Worst Read of 2015

This was wretched but I had to read it to the end. Believe it or not it was worse than the Celestine Prophecy (remember that one!!)

I decided I just have to have a little fun and rewrite the title of this book:

" Many Lies, Much Malarky: The Fairy Tale of a Narcissistic Psychiatrist, His Duped Patient, and the Past Life Bullshit That Made the Doctor Millions of Dollars".

Half a "Stay Away, Stay Away" Star (The lowest rating I have ever given a book that I completed.)

Worst Read of 2015

This was wretched but I had to read it to the end. Believe it or not it was worse than the Celestine Prophecy (remember that one!!)

I decided I just have to have a little fun and rewrite the title of this book:

" Many Lies, Much Malarky: The Fairy Tale of a Narcissistic Psychiatrist, His Duped Patient, and the Past Life Bullshit That Made the Doctor Millions of Dollars".


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Wow! This book was INCREDIBLE!!! It's now one of my favorites; I read it in only two days! I would totally recommend it to anybody, adults and older kids. It's about a woman who goes to a therapist to get help with her anxiety and phobia problems. The therapist (whose point of view the book is told from) then hypnotizes her to find the source of her phobias, and the woman starts telling him accurate details about her past lives! There is even more to the book, but I won't give it away. This book Wow! This book was INCREDIBLE!!! It's now one of my favorites; I read it in only two days! I would totally recommend it to anybody, adults and older kids. It's about a woman who goes to a therapist to get help with her anxiety and phobia problems. The therapist (whose point of view the book is told from) then hypnotizes her to find the source of her phobias, and the woman starts telling him accurate details about her past lives! There is even more to the book, but I won't give it away. This book is AMAZING and although it may sound weird at first, it totally changes the way you think about life, and the fear of death. I still cannot believe that it is a TRUE STORY!!!!! Please read this book!! It's easy to understand, and you will learn so much from it!!! ...more

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

This was an interesting one and a fast read. It kept me up late two nights in a row! You know, you have to read these things with an open mind, but also with a critical one. You can't just completely accept or reject what he has to say. His and Catherine's experiences about past lives are truly fascinating, and no matter how you feel about reincarnation, the lessons from the Masters about how to live are quite universal. In the end, it all comes down to love, patience, and forgiveness.

Even if yo

This was an interesting one and a fast read. It kept me up late two nights in a row! You know, you have to read these things with an open mind, but also with a critical one. You can't just completely accept or reject what he has to say. His and Catherine's experiences about past lives are truly fascinating, and no matter how you feel about reincarnation, the lessons from the Masters about how to live are quite universal. In the end, it all comes down to love, patience, and forgiveness.

Even if you are a hardcore athiest or believer in a religion that doesn't allow for past lives, you can still get a lot out of this book about how to treat people and release yourself from fear, both specific and general.


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Life or lives

That I'll always wonder,

Above the hills or

Shallows downunder.

I'll remember you,

Regardless of my rebirth.

It's the body that goes on in a cycle,

For the soul, it's just another miracle.

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Life or lives

That I'll always wonder,

Above the hills or

Shallows downunder.

I'll remember you,

Regardless of my rebirth.

It's the body that goes on in a cycle,

For the soul, it's just another miracle.


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

I didn't buy what Weiss was saying in this book, BECAUSE he didn't give me a reason to. I couldn't shake the feeling that this book was total BS, because there was absolutely nothing else to back up Weiss's claims except Weiss himself. He claims that there are other writings, etc, that support what he is saying, but if you're going to write a book about a topic like this, YOU HAVE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES. That was my main problem with this book. There were no references or citations at all. "Accord I didn't buy what Weiss was saying in this book, BECAUSE he didn't give me a reason to. I couldn't shake the feeling that this book was total BS, because there was absolutely nothing else to back up Weiss's claims except Weiss himself. He claims that there are other writings, etc, that support what he is saying, but if you're going to write a book about a topic like this, YOU HAVE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES. That was my main problem with this book. There were no references or citations at all. "According to most writers, people are reincarnated in groups"- who is "most writers"? Can you actually give an example? "Reincarnation was present in the Old and New Testament until religious leaders removed the mention because it caused people to be less concerned with their souls"- where are you getting this information? For all we know, (and as I have to admit, I pretty strongly suspect), Weiss is just making up whatever information he needs to back his claim. I just think it was not possible for me to take this book seriously at all if Weiss expects us to basically just take his word for it. ...more

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

I have to agree with what all of my friends have said about this book - it is amazing and you cannot put it down - a read it in a few hours - but the information in it will stay with me for a lifetime (and maybe longer!). Everyone should read this book! All those times you have felt a connection with people and not known why - or have realized that you have impacted someone's life in an amazing, yet unintentional way - it will all start to be clear to you. This is a wonderful book that will make I have to agree with what all of my friends have said about this book - it is amazing and you cannot put it down - a read it in a few hours - but the information in it will stay with me for a lifetime (and maybe longer!). Everyone should read this book! All those times you have felt a connection with people and not known why - or have realized that you have impacted someone's life in an amazing, yet unintentional way - it will all start to be clear to you. This is a wonderful book that will make you fear death less, and understand life's purpose. It is a true story, so not a hokey Oprah book. Give it a try - it won't take much of an investment of your time, but will be well worth it! ...more

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

AMAZING is the world. Well this book is about Dr. Brian Weiss of Yale who's a very logical person untill he met catherine, the patient who was depressed, tried to hypnotised her into her childhood so as to know the cause of trauma , how she goes beyond that....into many of her pervious lifetimes, how the events in our present life are predefined according to our past lives , how we have to understand/conqiure negative feelings in our life for our spiritual growth, the immense peace nd love soul AMAZING is the world. Well this book is about Dr. Brian Weiss of Yale who's a very logical person untill he met catherine, the patient who was depressed, tried to hypnotised her into her childhood so as to know the cause of trauma , how she goes beyond that....into many of her pervious lifetimes, how the events in our present life are predefined according to our past lives , how we have to understand/conqiure negative feelings in our life for our spiritual growth, the immense peace nd love soul experiences once it leaves the body nd goes to the MASTERS(gods or whatever), how our soul reviews present lifetime nd tells the masters the lessons it has learnt, how it decides the souls it will interact in next life according to karma, how souls immensely in love in one life time reincarnates together in many-2 next lifetimes , how our most hatefull enemy will keep on giving us company in many lifetimes if v can't really forgive them and understand the limitation of their mind, why are people fat :) lol ....and above all that ONLY LOVE IS REAL.

All the other books by Dr. weiss spreads this philosophy further through the case history of many patientsand their previous lifetimes.


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Just wow. Amazing read!! This is truly a spiritually awakening book. Weiss does a great job of diving straight to the point, sharing his revelations, and telling stories through an all around approach with no bias. He explains his experience as a skeptic turned believer which I really enjoyed ... he’s a realist. This has easily become one of the best books I’ve ever read! He even mentioned Dr. Raymond A Moody Jr’s studies, which is one of my favs. The more and more I read about the soul / spirit Just wow. Amazing read!! This is truly a spiritually awakening book. Weiss does a great job of diving straight to the point, sharing his revelations, and telling stories through an all around approach with no bias. He explains his experience as a skeptic turned believer which I really enjoyed ... he’s a realist. This has easily become one of the best books I’ve ever read! He even mentioned Dr. Raymond A Moody Jr’s studies, which is one of my favs. The more and more I read about the soul / spirit, life, & death the more correlations I see from all different angles. How can so many people from all different parts of the world, religious backgrounds, and childhoods have such detailed similarities in their stories? There has to be truth in it all which brings me so much peace and understanding in this human experience we’re all apart of. I feel like I just had a lesson with the other side. An essential life lesson to help guide me through life, like I literally spoke to a higher power. I feel lucky to have read this book. I would recommend everyone to read it at least once in their lifetime. ...more

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

One indication that past life regression through hypnosis is nonsense is reflected multiple times in this book. The hypnotist asks the hypnotized patient what year the memories that she is now experiencing are from, and she replies something like, "1568 B.C." Even if one believes that reincarnation is real (and it may be) and that people can remember past lives through hypnosis (which may not be impossible), it is impossible to have a memory of date like 1568 B.C. Our current calendar didn't exi One indication that past life regression through hypnosis is nonsense is reflected multiple times in this book. The hypnotist asks the hypnotized patient what year the memories that she is now experiencing are from, and she replies something like, "1568 B.C." Even if one believes that reincarnation is real (and it may be) and that people can remember past lives through hypnosis (which may not be impossible), it is impossible to have a memory of date like 1568 B.C. Our current calendar didn't exist then, and whatever date the regressed patient may have known about way back then would have been completely untranslatable by the patient into a date in our modern calendar system.

I'm not saying that the patient is outright lying. I'm just saying that what the patient is relating to the hypnotist has nothing to do with fact.


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Pretty fascinating read. Is it true? I'd like to think so, but who knows...

I recommend it as a feel-good page turner for the spiritually inclined.

Pretty fascinating read. Is it true? I'd like to think so, but who knows...

I recommend it as a feel-good page turner for the spiritually inclined.


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Dnf therefore no rating.

Look, I have no issues with the idea of reincarnation (and yes, even the Bible mentions it) but something about this book just isn't clicking for me. I think it's the mentioning of BC dates, when a concept of BC itself, would have no meaning to someone who lived in those times. I'm not saying it's contrived, but it all feels too 'neat' for me.

Dnf therefore no rating.

Look, I have no issues with the idea of reincarnation (and yes, even the Bible mentions it) but something about this book just isn't clicking for me. I think it's the mentioning of BC dates, when a concept of BC itself, would have no meaning to someone who lived in those times. I'm not saying it's contrived, but it all feels too 'neat' for me.


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Sorry Darlene & John...

It took too long to get me to shake my initial impression of the ego centrism of Dr. Weiss. I'm certain he is a nice guy, a competent doctor, and a compassion human being. But, as I stated in our discussion while I was reading, my interpretation is that the book feels more about him than anything else. Take the title for example, it starts, "The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist...", I'm sure he is but I didn't feel it needed to be called out. His questions were leadi

Sorry Darlene & John...

It took too long to get me to shake my initial impression of the ego centrism of Dr. Weiss. I'm certain he is a nice guy, a competent doctor, and a compassion human being. But, as I stated in our discussion while I was reading, my interpretation is that the book feels more about him than anything else. Take the title for example, it starts, "The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist...", I'm sure he is but I didn't feel it needed to be called out. His questions were leading and he seemed more curious about whether he was there in her past life than anything else. Some of the questions he asks are inane (e.g. after asking about how her life was (in previous life), he finds out she was poor and lost her son. Dr. Weiss asks, "Do you miss him?").

In the end we finally find out some of the good messages from the Masters which I thought very good but it was all too little too late to save this one for me.

I recommend that readers seek out Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives if interested in this topic.


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The events & experiences recounted in this book are incommunicable, and if communicated, are unbelievable.
To me, this seems like yet another book, maybe it's the pioneering book, or one of the, which almost completely borrows from East, and presents the information as some sort of divine revelations coming from enigmatic sources. Many Lives, Many Masters is an account of Dr.Weiss' (really, just Dr.Weiss') experiences with his patient Catherine, who under hypnosis is able to remember her past liv
The events & experiences recounted in this book are incommunicable, and if communicated, are unbelievable.
To me, this seems like yet another book, maybe it's the pioneering book, or one of the, which almost completely borrows from East, and presents the information as some sort of divine revelations coming from enigmatic sources. Many Lives, Many Masters is an account of Dr.Weiss' (really, just Dr.Weiss') experiences with his patient Catherine, who under hypnosis is able to remember her past lives which go up to 86. During this process, Catherine receives spiritual messages, not just for the Dr. and herself, but for the mankind through some "Masters", sometimes inspired by their presence and directly at others. Very soon Dr.Weiss changes from a doctor helping his patient to an overambitious individual, desperate to make some discovery, or to establish some celestial contact.

Catherine's Lives--Broken Fragments:
Each life recounted by Catherine, offers nothing but a few lines about certain incidents that took place in that particular lifetime. These lives seem to be very cleverly and systematically constructed, and the revelations come as they would in a fiction- piece by piece. No substantial details are provided for any of Catherine's lives, none which could have verified even a single lifetime. Page after page, Catherine makes repetitive or very restricted observations during her hypnotic state, limited to smells, sounds and visions of her immediate surroundings. Also, the divisions of her lives and the effect they come to have on her present life is rather fictionally structured. After a while Catherine is able to go into minute details and yet, she's unable to give any important information at all.

The experience of Death:
The experience of death is not uncommon in Catherine's hypnotic state, and it remains the same always, as it should. It has been described rather conveniently, with the soul descending up in bright light. A luminous floating soul is the most convenient image Dr. Weiss could have conjured up.

The East:
In talking about a period which he calls in-between, described as a state between life and death, where the traits for the next life are pre-determined, Dr.Weiss borrows heavily from the Eastern psycholgical concept of traits. The Eastern thought already believes in somewhat pre-determined traits, which shape our lives, form an integral part of the karmic cycle. According to this thought, these traits which are in fluid form, propel us from birth to birth throughout our cosmic cycle.

In this book, Dr.Weiss puts up a case for reincarnation, he's concerned with this life only in relation to the previous ones or the future ones.He uses the Eastern karmic cycle concept, which maintains that debts of one life must be paid in the next in an unbreakable cycle of reincarnation, and the only way to break out of this and attain a place into the higher order is- wisdom. This can be found both in Buddhist and Hindu concepts of "nirvana".

So it seemed to me, that Dr.Weiss just sold Eastern thought as some heavenly messages to his Western audiences. He presents every detail as a plain fact, and nowhere the information is analyzed or scrutinized as you'd expect from a man of science. My biggest disappointment is that, there's absolutely no discussion between Dr.Weiss and Catherine. There's no thought coming from Catherine in her conscious state! I mean, WTF?


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Dr. Brian Weiss is very convincing about the whole reincarnation business. I too want to believe all this as it makes me feel good about life when I start believing that there is no such thing as death and we'll be living forever and never be destroyed. When I read the book I too started believing in it and do want to continue to believe in reincarnation, but there is something at the back of my mind that asks me for more evidence before blindly believing in this.

What I feel is that the patient

Dr. Brian Weiss is very convincing about the whole reincarnation business. I too want to believe all this as it makes me feel good about life when I start believing that there is no such thing as death and we'll be living forever and never be destroyed. When I read the book I too started believing in it and do want to continue to believe in reincarnation, but there is something at the back of my mind that asks me for more evidence before blindly believing in this.

What I feel is that the patient looses consciousness under hypnosis and visualizes things that they've seen in the past or want to see. It could be just like a dream where our memories form visuals for us.

If Dr. Weiss ever reads this, I would like to ask him to perform his experiments on blind people.
Send them in their past lives and see if they can actually SEE(VISUALS) in their past lives.
The blind do not see things in their dreams. They can only hear things. But if there is anything like people going into their past lives, then they too can see things, as the probability of them being blind in their past lives is rare.


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No matter your views on reincarnation, this book is a beautiful, impressionable read. It left me feeling open to possibilities and more at peace about human suffering (which I was really struggling with at the time I read this). It reinforced that I do not have all the answers and I am not meant to have all the answers, which was a relief and a welcomed concept I hadn't completely felt before. It reinforced my belief that we are meant to open ourselves as we move through life, take in lessons, a No matter your views on reincarnation, this book is a beautiful, impressionable read. It left me feeling open to possibilities and more at peace about human suffering (which I was really struggling with at the time I read this). It reinforced that I do not have all the answers and I am not meant to have all the answers, which was a relief and a welcomed concept I hadn't completely felt before. It reinforced my belief that we are meant to open ourselves as we move through life, take in lessons, apply them and share them with others. I didn't feel like I had to believe all that was written here for it to open me a little more and leave me feeling a deeper sense of connectedness, less judgement and more compassion for others and for myself. The beautiful message I gained from this book was, "We are okay. Even in the midst of all of our suffering, we are okay." ...more

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

One of the most thought provoking books I have read. It gives credence to the ideologies of Reincarnation and makes one feel more peaceful about our purpose on earth and our life after death.
It is a must read for those who enjoy thinking about and talking about the ephemeral.
It will not appeal to those who are not open-minded or who are not ready to receive and soak up this book.

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I have always been interested in reincarnation and past lives. When I first read this book it gave me a sense of knowing that what I always thought- was true. This book just proves over and over again how we never truly die.

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As someone who has psychic abilities herself, and has always had one foot in this world and one foot in the other, I have to sadly say that I was very disappointed by this book. My biggest problem with it was that I didn't find it believable at all!

Now I have no doubt that Dr. Weiss is a brilliant and accomplished psychiatrist. He and his patient Catherine spent much time together while she underwent past life regression therapy (Catherine was under hypnosis by Dr. Weiss) to cure anxiety and ot

As someone who has psychic abilities herself, and has always had one foot in this world and one foot in the other, I have to sadly say that I was very disappointed by this book. My biggest problem with it was that I didn't find it believable at all!

Now I have no doubt that Dr. Weiss is a brilliant and accomplished psychiatrist. He and his patient Catherine spent much time together while she underwent past life regression therapy (Catherine was under hypnosis by Dr. Weiss) to cure anxiety and other psychological issues. In the end, Dr. Weiss does cure Catherine of her ailments. However, the meat of this book is supposed to be the experiences revealed of her past lives and I found none of her accounts believable. Her recounts all sounded the same, the details were so basic and bland, anyone could have used the same details to describe the times from a previous era-- for instance people wearing togas and sandals for the Greco Era, and bonnets for the colonial days. We need details to believe, intricate details!!! And sadly, I didn't find the kinds of details that would make me believe that she truly lived and recounted past lives. I am surprised this book was a bestseller.

The spiritual beings called "the Masters" that Catherine seems to act as a medium for seemed too far fetched and fabricated. They seemed like characters out of a movie, almost too stereotypically New Age-like to be believed. I apologize if I keep repeating myself, but I just didn't believe any of it, and attributed their experience to the mysteries of the mind, not the soul. Perhaps their intense togetherness (Dr. Weiss and Catherine) created some psychological relief. What may have cured Catherine was Dr. Weiss's determination to make her better, his love and care for her!

However, I am not giving up on this author. I will read another book of his to give him another chance. Just as a book can't be judged by its cover, an author should not be judged solely by one book!

Meanwhile, my dear Goodreads friends, if you wish to read this book, please borrow from a friend or take it out of the library. You may love it, but you may not, and if you're like me, you won't want to keep it on your bookshelf.


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First for Effort. To entertain. Second because I am kind just like that.

For starters, I thought it was another psychology book. Then I realized it was more of a spiritual book. And then it became religious. That's when I dropped it.

It was entertaining fiction at best. Thank you and have a nice day.

First for Effort. To entertain. Second because I am kind just like that.

For starters, I thought it was another psychology book. Then I realized it was more of a spiritual book. And then it became religious. That's when I dropped it.

It was entertaining fiction at best. Thank you and have a nice day.


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

Absolutely do not listen to the reviews that say this book isn’t worth reading. But in order to really get the best experience from it, you have to empty your cup of beliefs and go into it like a child. Otherwise your dogma will veil your ability to learn what this book has to offer.

This isn’t a fantasy story, this is a recounting of true events that were recorded, of a patient with significant mental and emotional distress recalling over a dozen past lives under hypnosis. As she goes through he

Absolutely do not listen to the reviews that say this book isn’t worth reading. But in order to really get the best experience from it, you have to empty your cup of beliefs and go into it like a child. Otherwise your dogma will veil your ability to learn what this book has to offer.

This isn’t a fantasy story, this is a recounting of true events that were recorded, of a patient with significant mental and emotional distress recalling over a dozen past lives under hypnosis. As she goes through her various past deaths, her present phobias resolve—which were due to traumas from her previous lives. But the most fascinating aspect is that when she “dies” under hypnosis she goes to the waiting place between physical bodies, and there a master soul speaks through her, and shares knowledge of the soul.

If you take what the masters say at face value, this book is THE explanation for why we are here. Empty your cup, pick up this book, and stay open minded as you read.


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

anyone wanting to meditate about life, ponder the timeline of mortality or just in for a ride with an open mind

Life is delicate. This time here on earth is limited and should be enjoyed without regret or self-doubt. There are possibly many lives before this one. I believe that what we know in this life is built on from the last. The life experiences we gain and meant to occur for us to proceed in the next life and the lessons not learned will carry over. Basically I learned a lot about myself. W

anyone wanting to meditate about life, ponder the timeline of mortality or just in for a ride with an open mind

Life is delicate. This time here on earth is limited and should be enjoyed without regret or self-doubt. There are possibly many lives before this one. I believe that what we know in this life is built on from the last. The life experiences we gain and meant to occur for us to proceed in the next life and the lessons not learned will carry over. Basically I learned a lot about myself. What I believe makes sense to me. I read the book in 2004 so I'm definately planning on reading it again with an additional/fresh review.


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This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I cannot quite put into words my utter detestation for the book, it's author, and all or most of mankind! Given to skepticism all my life I was always weary of any mention of this book. I would always argue that since this book has been around for a good long time and since we are yet to discover all that much compelling evidence about reincarnation, there's probably a snag somewhere. Which is why until recently I never thought about actually reading it.

Let me first tell you what caused me to o

I cannot quite put into words my utter detestation for the book, it's author, and all or most of mankind! Given to skepticism all my life I was always weary of any mention of this book. I would always argue that since this book has been around for a good long time and since we are yet to discover all that much compelling evidence about reincarnation, there's probably a snag somewhere. Which is why until recently I never thought about actually reading it.

Let me first tell you what caused me to overcome my inhibition. Someone very close to me is suffering from a bad bout of depression. One I was talking with her about the kind of psychiatrist she visits, she said that what she really needs is a session with Dr. Brian Weiss, that only he had the power to cure her. She has a masters in math, so I allow myself to be taken in. I immediately download the book on my kindle (it only costs about $2), get me a packet of chips, and set my teeth to it.

Let me stress here - I approached the book with a totally open mind. In fact, since none of us could afford a session with Dr. Weiss even if we sold a kidney apiece, I was very keen to actually learn something from it, so that maybe I could actually use it on her to good effect. I was suitably impressed when Dr. Weiss opened the narrative with his brilliant curriculum vitae and what a strong scientific mind he has. And I have nothing against the whole idea of reincarnation either. In fact, whenever I happen to find a show on it on the discovery channel or some such place, I would make sure to watch it.

When he began to describe in some detail he hypnotised Catherine for the first time, I was immediately fascinated and copied the entire thing in a note for reference. It was the 1853 BC thing that killed it for me. Why, Dr. Weiss? Had you merely said AD, maybe I would have been disenchanted a wee bit later. But you really couldn't wait, could you, glutton that you are? And then, as soon as the session ends, you immediately feel the need to inform the readers that you find that ape-shit baloney completely believable, even though you are the oh-so-scientific!

I am understandably shaken, but I decide to wait for the scientific explanation that would soon follow. So, I bite the bullet (or gulp down two beers) and resume with the book. But, after reading some twenty more pages of it, it seems that it goes only one way - downhill. Just when Catherine starts to choke as she recalls her throat being slit in a boat by none other than her current abusive boyfriend, I decide that enough is enough and that it will never get any more scientific than an episode of Monty Python.

That night, I was so livid that I barely remember what I did. I faintly recollect having plonked my kindle down hard on the cheap coir mattress that is my bed and wishing Dr. Weiss' immediate demise and reincarnation with his face glued to his butt. But then, next morning when I regained my composure, I began to wonder - what wrong did Dr. Weiss really do? Or, if a fault had been committed, who exactly was the perpetrator of it? Is Dr. Weiss a scientific man? Yes, and I couldn't agree more. Is Dr. Weiss a good psychiatrist? He's an excellent one! He knows exactly what people want, and he gives it them by the truckloads. When he starts to talk about Catherine, he knows that his readers are immediately going to start judging her, so he wastes no time in telling us how beautiful Catherine is. And then, since he knows that not everyone is taken in by mere good looks alone, he at once jumps to how Catherine is abused in the hands of her own father, which is now getting a little old, really. But then, a better construct for garnering sympathy has seldom been engineered, and he is certain that he has the rapt attention of everyone present.

From here follows a tale so bizarre as to put a pot-headed hippie to shame. Some stories are straight, some circular, and still others, elaborately ornate. This one is shaped somewhat like a Klein bottle. I did not stick around for the greater part of it, but I do believe that for once Twilight is a better love story! Even the end is pure genius - when it comes to squeezing out the tears from your hapless readers there is nothing more potent than the murdered child - the child of the tormented female protagonist of unearthly beauty. Dr. Weiss could count his dollars even before the whole of his plot hatched!

And yet, as I write this scathing review, I feel that something is not quite right. And that feeling of inadequacy comes from the mention of the 1853 BC. If he wished his readers to seriously believe what he wrote, why did he feel compelled to make such a blatant and obvious fib about something so unrelated to the rest of the story? If Catherine heard the dates in the wind, surely the wind would know better than to stick to the Gregorian calendar? Or the utter nonsensical notion that someone in 1853 BC would know that the year as 1853 BC (for chirssake)! My best guess is that this is Dr. Weiss' plea for absolution. He is telling his readers - look, this here is absolute horsecrap, and if you choose to believe in it, so much the worse for you. For whatever that happens to you henceforth, the entire liability is yours, not mine! I actually respect Dr. Weiss for this honest admission of guilt, and this is why I struggle to find fault with him.

Then who is to blame? Why, mankind, of course! Right now, it's more fashionable than ever before to turn atheist all of a sudden. When people look at the less developed nations and the religious extremism and mania that ties them, they are shocked and disgusted. This piece of fiction here just gives a perfect insight into how the whole thing works - why men and women ever since civilisation happened have found it easier to believe in bearded beings of the sky, ten armed goddesses, or men giving birth to women out their ribs than, say, when you die, you stay dead, or that the earth is round. Or why somebody like Hitler can dupe an entire nation into killing 6 million for no good reason. People always find it so much easier when their is somebody to think their thoughts out for them, and nothing beats the sheer comfort of knowing that whatever mistakes you made, or howsoever bad your life turned out to be is the result of others, or forces beyond your control.

In a way, I owe a lot to this book. Having been an atheist most of my life, I have often been bothered by doubts such as what if it's all true what they say about god and religion, or can so many people all throughout history be wrong? This book reinstates my confidence in what I stand for, the right to thwart the attempts at deceit by other people an organisations, since this book is one of the best depiction of the way these powers work. And no, it does absolutely nothing to dissipate my interest in reincarnation, and once I finish posting this I will search for afterlife and rebirth on YouTube and binge-watch anything and everything remotely relevant.


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I've never read a book about past-lives and reincarnation before this one. A friend recommended this book and the topic interested me, so I dived right into it without second thought.

You should not read this book if you do not have an open mind about the idea of reincarnation, immortality and life after death. I had an open mind, that's why I could enjoy this book in a way that most others will not.

I read most of this in two nights, in bed before sleeping and some parts - the parts where the Ma

I've never read a book about past-lives and reincarnation before this one. A friend recommended this book and the topic interested me, so I dived right into it without second thought.

You should not read this book if you do not have an open mind about the idea of reincarnation, immortality and life after death. I had an open mind, that's why I could enjoy this book in a way that most others will not.

I read most of this in two nights, in bed before sleeping and some parts - the parts where the Masters spoke was pretty spooky. Each master spoke in a distinctive tone and manner. The lessons they taught were pretty universal, ones we already have heard.

At the end of this book I was like, I'd like to get hypnotized and know about my past-lives, for all I know, I could have been a pretty famous and sexy person in a past life... I could have been a terrorist, or Marilyn Monroe, or George Washington, or Jesus! I could be my grandma who died before I was born. Who knows?

Full review : http://neetusbookblog.blogspot.in/201...


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You only live once is a belief that places a lot of pressure on individuals like me. Each passing second can be seen as a lost opportunity, and so most seconds are failures to truly live. This book is very fitting for people like me who truly struggle with the belief that this life must be lived perfectly, as it reminds us that we have certain lessons to learn each time, and the best we can do is practice them as well as we can we love and empathy.

前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

favorite book!!! It opened my eyes to a different way of looking at life!

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Spirituality and science are considered to be entirely different roads. It is true, both are different pathways but finally reach the same destination. Dr. Brian Weiss has got the fortune to travel on both roads simultaneously and experienced marvels from both areas. 

It's really good to know that reincarnation, after life, things like that really exist.  We all live for a purpose. We are all travelling in the same boat. But no one understands the aim of the marvel called life and we all are busy

Spirituality and science are considered to be entirely different roads. It is true, both are different pathways but finally reach the same destination. Dr. Brian Weiss has got the fortune to travel on both roads simultaneously and experienced marvels from both areas. 

It's really good to know that reincarnation, after life, things like that really exist.  We all live for a purpose. We are all travelling in the same boat. But no one understands the aim of the marvel called life and we all are busy doing something unimportant.

"We all seem to be going to the same place ultimately, albeit at different speeds. No one is greater than another".


前世 今生 生命 輪迴 的 前世 療法

I don't think any review can accurately describe how amazing and larger than life book this is, but I'll try to give a coherent review.
Before this book I'd never thought that I'd ever get a reason & cure for my fear of dark. I never had a positive view towards life and didn't care to.
Never really given a piece of mind to the thought of Rebirth, though its a part of my religion: Hinduism.
But this life-changing, perspective-changing book had done all the above for me and successfully.
This book tel
I don't think any review can accurately describe how amazing and larger than life book this is, but I'll try to give a coherent review.
Before this book I'd never thought that I'd ever get a reason & cure for my fear of dark. I never had a positive view towards life and didn't care to.
Never really given a piece of mind to the thought of Rebirth, though its a part of my religion: Hinduism.
But this life-changing, perspective-changing book had done all the above for me and successfully.
This book tells us about a prominent psychiatrist who never believed in anything supernatural, needless to say, the prospect of rebirth was a far cry. His mind believed in logic and all the things it could process and see... until a patient named Catherine comes through his office and changes his life and also the readers'. They discovered her troubling past & fear taking its roots in her past lives. A larger than life book that REMINDS us about our sole purpose on earth. It tells us about the many facets of our lives and the problems we face in our current life and that karma has much more in store for us than we initially thought.

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The only two self help books i have managed to complete and enjoy are "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes and another one that i read 15 years back when i was in my tenth standard. The reason for this being that the theories to get over your mental blocks are more or less the same. It is largely in the manner that they are presented makes for an interesting read. Of course, some self help books no matter how mundane can simply hit a chord in you on account of your mind-set at the time you leaf through The only two self help books i have managed to complete and enjoy are "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes and another one that i read 15 years back when i was in my tenth standard. The reason for this being that the theories to get over your mental blocks are more or less the same. It is largely in the manner that they are presented makes for an interesting read. Of course, some self help books no matter how mundane can simply hit a chord in you on account of your mind-set at the time you leaf through them.

Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss was a book suggested to me by my sister a year and half back. The cover and the synopsis of the book did not attract me then and it was thus lying on my shelf all this time. However, it was when i received a letter full of praise for the book from our family astrologer and dear friend Mr. Kalyani, that i went back to it. I was gripped right away and have been recommending it ever since i finished reading the book- in two days!!

The book is a narration by noted psychiatrist- Dr. Weiss about his experiences when his patient- Catherine- came to him a few years back to get cured. After the usual talk and medicines failed to help Catherine get over her anxieties, nightmares and other insecurities, she was initiated by the Doctor into hypnosis and Past Life Regression Therapy. It was then that was exposed to the Doctor not only a very vital but a very schintilating facet of all our human lives and souls- the meta physics! In the book, every time Catherine is exiting a past life of hers, she happens to be transported onto a 'plane/ level' where she meets the 'Masters'. These Masters through Catherine narrate the nuggets of lives' secrets and code breakers. The manner in which the book is written leaves no doubt in their authenticity, giving them a credibility and thus relevance of a very high stature. On absorbing the information that they bring to us, it becomes easier- as i felt- to work around many a demons that haunt and nag us through our daily existence. I have loved reading this book and would recommend it to all those disturbed and restless.

Allow me to quote a stanza from the book before i conclude. This is what a Master tells Dr. Weiss through Catherine in one of their many sessions- "Patience and timing…everything comes when it must come. A life cannot be rushed, cannot be worked on a schedule as so many people want it to be. We must simply accept what comes to us at a given point of time and not ask for more. But life is endless, so we never die; we were never really born*. We just pass through phases. There is no end. Humans have many dimensions. But time is not as we see time but rather in lessons that are learnt" * This refers to the fact which we learn on reading the book- It tells us how 'we' are our soul which is and has been going from one body to another. It shall keep doing so until it goes back to the universe where it came from. It was always there, it'll always be there. Our bodies and of those around us are mere carriers of each soul. Whatever is incomplete now, will be completed…may be through the next body that the soul takes. Its not 'our' life… its the destiny of that soul!


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[WARNING - THIS REVIEW IS FULL OF SPOILERS] Granted, I believe in a God who was the product of a virgin birth and rose from the dead, but this book was just too much for me to swallow or stomach. First, the author must be one of the most gullible people on the planet because, without conducting his own investigation of the facts, he believes absolutely everything that his patient (a/k/a conduit to the netherworld) tells him about herself and the alleged messages from the spirits which she channe [WARNING - THIS REVIEW IS FULL OF SPOILERS] Granted, I believe in a God who was the product of a virgin birth and rose from the dead, but this book was just too much for me to swallow or stomach. First, the author must be one of the most gullible people on the planet because, without conducting his own investigation of the facts, he believes absolutely everything that his patient (a/k/a conduit to the netherworld) tells him about herself and the alleged messages from the spirits which she channels. For a guy who keeps attempting to legitimize his story by telling us that he is a "scientist" employing the "scientific method", he shows an appalling willingness to believe everything he is told without bothering to corroborate the facts - how scientific is that? Indeed, his "proof" that his patient is in touch with another dimension is that she knows his father's Hebrew name and the reason (sort of) his infant son died. Are you kidding me? Has the author never seen a hack mentalist/fortune-teller/psychic?

Second, the author is incredibly condenscending as to his patient. He constantly intimates that she is dumb white trash who could not possibly make up stories about the past because she is too ignorant to have any such ability. Ironically, while he keeps stressing what a simpleton his patient is, he displays a shocking lack of historical knowledge himself which, in one particularly embarassing passage, prevents him from wondering why his patient who allegedly lived in ancient Egypt would have had long blond hair in that life.

Third, the messages from the "Masters" from other dimensions sound suspiciously like a bad primer on Buddhism. Peace, love, non-violence, blah, blah, blah. Play a Beatles album if you want to listen to such drivel in a more entertaining format.

The only reason that I don't rate this book lower is that it still does produce some goose-bumps moments and is definitely well intentioned, if not well constructed. Worth a read just for kicks.


As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from "the space between lives," which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss's family and his dead son. As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from "the space between lives," which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss's family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.

A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

Dr. Weiss maintains a private practice in Miami. In addition, Dr. Weiss conducts national and international seminars and experiential workshops as well as training programs for professionals.

(from the author's webpage)


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