May i know禮貌


一、有事請求他人時,使用”Will/Would you mind…?”可能會有些失禮

當你希望別人讓你路的時候,除了說Excuse me之外,你也許曾想過是不是能說”Would you mind getting out of my way?”(可以讓一下路嗎?)

但事實上,”Will/Would you mind…?”這個句型其實有「要求對方照做」的意味存在,使用不當容易讓聽者覺得不禮貌,因此建議可以改用”Could you”或是”Would you”的句型,例:Could/Would you move out of the way? (能不能讓一讓路呢?)既能表達你的要求又能不失禮貌。


Would you mind not messing up my room? (請不要把我的房間弄亂好嗎?)

建議可以說:Please don’t mess up my room.  (請不要弄亂我的房間。)

二、建議他人「不要做…/不應該….」使用”You shouldn’t …” 是容易引起反感的說法

平常在建議他人應該怎麼做或不應該怎麼做的時候,第一個我們想到的用法就是You should或You shouldn’t,沒錯,should用於對「未來」發生的事的建議,如:You should go to the doctor tomorrow. (你明天應該去看醫生),是恰當的。但假如用於對於過去已經發生或是現在這個當下的事情,使用”should/shouldn’t”語氣就會顯得稍重了,弄得不好容易使人反感,因為should/shouldn’t所透漏出的是命令的語氣。


You shouldn’t leave your stuff here. (你不應該把你的東西留在這裡。)

You should do the laundry. (你應該去洗衣服。)


Let’s not leave our stuff here. (我們不要把東西放在這裡。)

You need to do the laundry.  (你得洗衣服喔。)

三、想表達對他人的期待若使用”I expect you to…” 那意思可就錯了

主管若對員工說”I expect you to work harder.” 表面上看起來像是「期待你能工作認真」的意思,但事實上”expect you to…”有對方「非做到…不可」的意味,意思就是「你不認真工作不可以」的意思。


I know you’ll do a good job. (我知道你會做得很好)

四、 在句尾加上”or not” 有催促對方答覆的意味

假如你問人”Are you interested or not?”意思是「你是有興趣還是沒興趣呢?」,其實只要直接問”Are you interested?”(你有興趣嗎?)就可以了,言簡意賅也可免掉給人壓力的意味。


Are you going to buy it or not? (你是買還是不買?)

Are you going or not? (你去還是不去?)


Are you going to buy it?(你會買嗎?)

Are you going? (你要去嗎?)

五、詢問他人時若勿使用”Don’t you know..?” 意思是「你怎麼連…也不知道?」

如果你問了”Don’t you know how to write an essay?”意思是「你連怎麼寫一篇作文都不知道?」頗有挖苦對方的意味在裡面。下次若想詢問對方到底知不知道怎麼做一件事的時候,可以直接問”Do you know…?”就可以了。


Do you know how to write an essay? (你知道要怎麼寫一篇作文嗎?)

Do you know how to speak Spanish? (你知道怎麼說西班牙文嗎?)

六、想和他人確認事情時需謹慎使用”Didn’t I tell you..?” ,有斥責意味

 “Didn’t I ask you to finish this report?” (我不是叫你把報告完成嗎?)

“Didn’t I tell you…?” (我不是和你說過….了嗎?)


七、希望對方如何如何時,使用”be supposed to”句型有指責意味

“You are supposed to dress up.” (你應該要盛裝打扮。)

“You are supposed to be at train station at 6.” (你應該六點就到火車站。)

若不想讓對方有被強迫的感覺,可以使用”need to”代替,


You need to dress up. (你得盛裝打扮)

You need to be at train station at 6.  (你得六點到火車站啊)

八、詢問對方還需要什麼若使用”What else do you want?”會很失禮

最常遇到會使用這樣的句子是在購物的時候,店員常會問「還有什麼需要的嗎?」,但假如直接使用”What else do you want?”意思就是「所以你還要買什麼呢?」這種不耐煩的語氣,會讓聽者覺得不舒服。


Is there anything else I can do for you? (還有什麼其他能替你效勞地方嗎?)較為禮貌。


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繼續講情態助動詞,這部分 May I, Can I, Could I 很容易跟 Would you, Will you, Could you, Can you 弄混淆。一個是請求允許,一個是要求某人做某事,兩個用的主詞也不一樣,要特別注意。先想清楚你要表達的,思考一下主詞,然後要怎麼問。


May I borrow some money?

Could you lend me some money?





B Permission 請求允許:May, Can, Could, Do you mind if …?

a 主詞為 I 的請求: May I …, Could I …, Can I …?

May I 與 Could I 用在正式的請求,較有禮貌,could 這裡沒有過去的意思,加 please 比較客氣。

Can I … 用來表達非正式的請求,雙方很熟的時候用

May I help you?

Could I call you tonight?

Can I borrow your pen, please?

回答時這樣的問題時,不可以用 could ,可以用 can 跟 may 。may 跟 not 注意不能縮寫。


Certainly. / Yes, certainly. / Of course. / Yes, of course. / Go ahead. 非正式 Sure.


A: May I borrow your phone?

B: Yes, of course you may.   Or B: No, you may not.

A: Could I close the window?

B: Yes, you can. Go ahead.   Or B: I’m sorry, but I don’t feel well and I need some fresh air.

b Do you mind if …? 用在當你的行為可能妨礙到他人,要請求允許時。假如介意的話回答 yes,不介意就回答 No. / Not at all.

A: Do you mind if I clean up the table? (In a restaurant)

B: Yes, actually I haven’t finished yet.

A: Do you mind if I take away the empty dishes?

B: Not al all.

練習二 按照提示,填入適當的代名詞與適當時態的助動詞

A: _________________________ into the test room now?

( could / come)

B: Yes, ____________________. Please show your registration form as you come in.

C: My brother isn’t taking the test. ___________________________ in the room with me?

( Do you mind / stay)

B: Yes, ____________________. Sorry, only people with tickets are permitted inside.

D: ____________________ a pen to write my name on the test booklet?

( May / use)

B: No, ____________________. You must use a pencil. And everyone please remember, ____________________ the test until I tell you to.

(can’t / start)

D: Jamie, _________________________ this pencil. I only brought a pen.

(do you mind if / borrow)

E: ____________________. Take it. I brought a few.

B: OK, ____________________ your test booklets and read the instructions now.

(may / open)

F: I’m late because my train broke down. ____________________ in?

(Can / come)

B: No, ____________________. We’ve already started the test.


1 可以給我一杯水嗎?

2 我可以借你的筆嗎?

3 你介意我接電話嗎?

4 可以給我帳單嗎?

5 我可以請假一天嗎?

練習二 按照提示,填入適當的代名詞與適當時態的助動詞

A: ___Could I come______________________ into the test room now?

( could / come)

B: Yes, ___certainly. / go ahead_________________. Please show your registration form as you come in.

C: My brother isn’t taking the test. ___Do you mind if he stay________________________ in the room with me?                                   ( Do you mind / stay)

B: Yes, __I do__________________. Sorry, only people with tickets are permitted inside.

D: __May I use__________________ a pen to write my name on the test booklet?

( May / use)

B: No, ____you may not________________. You must use a pencil. And everyone please remember, _____you can’t start_______________ the test until I tell you to.

(can’t / start)

D: Jamie, __do you mind if I borrow_______________________ this pencil. I only brought a pen.

(do you mind if / borrow)

E: __Not at all__________________. Take it. I brought a few.

B: OK, ___you may open_________________ your test booklets and read the instructions now.

(may / open)

F: I’m late because my train broke down. ____Can I come________________ in?

(Can / come)

B: No, ___you can not_________________. We’ve already started the test.

1 可以給我一杯水嗎? Can I have a class of water?

2 我可以借你的筆嗎? Can I borrow your pen?

3 你介意我接電話嗎? Do you mind if I answer the phone?

4 可以給我帳單嗎? Can I have the bill, please?

5 我可以請假一天嗎? May I have a day off, please?