
The home for your memories

Your memories across devices

Securely back-up your photos and videos to Google Photos and enjoy them from any device.1

The home for your memories

Your memories across devices

Securely back-up your photos and videos to Google Photos and enjoy them from any device.1

Find the right photos faster

Your photos are automatically organized and searchable so you can easily find the photo you’re looking for.

Easily save and share
what matters

Share photos and albums with friends and family.

Bring moments to life with editing

Give the perfect moment a perfect finish with editing tools2 and smart filters

From your phone

to your home

Your memories, framed

into a whole new light with smart displays4

Find the right photos faster

Your photos are automatically organized and searchable so you can easily find the photo you’re looking for.

Easily save and share
what matters

Share photos and albums with friends and family.

Bring moments to life with editing

Give the perfect moment a perfect finish with editing tools2 and smart filters

From your phone,
to your home

Printing services

Your memories, framed

into a whole new light with smart displays4

More ways to enjoy
your photos

Integrate the magic of Photos into third-party apps, so it’s easier than ever to access, edit, print, back-up photos and more.

A safe home for your life's memories

We invest in advanced security infrastructure and easy-to-use privacy controls so you can safely store and share your memories.

Check out additional Google products

Gallery Go

A smart, light and fast photo and video gallery


Scan and save your favorite printed photos

Make the most of your memories
with Google Photos

Google 相册可供您存放所有的照片和视频,并会自动整理这些内容,方便您轻松分享。

-“这是世界上功能最强大的照片处理产品”- The Verge

-“Google 相册是您必不可少的新型照片应用”-《连线》

官方版 Google 相册应用是依据现代人的拍照需求量身打造的服务,并提供共享影集、自动创建内容和高级修改套件等重要功能。另外,每个 Google 帐号均享有 15 GB 存储空间,您可以选择以高画质或原始画质自动备份所有照片和视频。然后,您便可通过任意关联设备和 网页访问这些内容。


15 GB 存储空间:您可以备份 15 GB 的照片和视频,并可通过任意设备和 访问这些内容。您的照片将安全无虞,而且只有您自己可以访问。在 2021 年 6 月 1 日前,所有以高画质备份的照片和视频都不会占用您 Google 帐号的存储空间。






实时影集:您只需选择要查看的人物和宠物,Google 相册会自动添加您为这些对象拍摄的照片,无需手动更新。*


Google 智能镜头:直接通过照片搜索难以用语言描述的事物,完成各项操作。您可以复制和翻译文本、辨识动植物、在日历中添加活动,以及在网上查找产品等。



您还可以订阅 Google One,升级 Google 帐号的存储空间,用于存放原始画质的照片和视频。在美国地区,100 GB 的订阅费用为 1.99 美元/月起。价格和可用的功能依地区而异。

-《Google One 服务条款》://

- Google One 价格://

有关其他帮助信息,请访问 //

*也可在适用于 Google Pixel Watch 的 Wear OS 上使用 Google 相册。将您喜爱的照片设为表盘主题。



