蒜香 蛤蜊 義大 利 麵 英文

spaghetti 是義大利麵?
pasta 也是義大利麵?


  • Antipasti
  • Primo
  • Secondo
  • 餐廳用語


這個字在義大利文中表示前菜,是複數型,單數是 antipasto,英文是 appetizer。

補充:在義大利餐廳用餐時,服務員通常會先上一份麵包,這是餐廳額外招待的,無需顧客自行點。這時候你可以用桌上的 olive oil「橄欖油」跟 balsamic vinegar「巴薩醋」沾著吃。 


義大利餐廳的菜單上,通常會提供兩道主菜,primo 是第一道,等同於英文的 first course。

Primo 指的是所有澱粉類主食,你所熟知的 pasta 和 spaghetti 就都是 primo。這兩個字的差別到底在哪呢?

Pasta 其實是義大利麵的「總稱」,而 spaghetti 只是其中一種,我們稱之為「義式細麵」(如下圖),是我們最常見的「義大利細麵」。


lasagna 千層麵(見上圖)

linguine 扁麵條

penne 筆管麵

fusilli 螺旋麵

gnocchi 義式麵疙瘩(見上圖)

ravioli 義大利餃


tomato sauce 番茄紅醬

cream sauce 白醬

pesto sauce 青醬

meat sauce 肉醬

carbonara sauce 奶油培根蛋黃醬(見上圖)


Secondo 是第二道主菜,基本上就是肉類或海鮮類主食。以下是一些可能會在菜單中出現的 secondo。

義大利文 英文 中文
bistecca steak 牛排
pollo chcken 雞肉
manzo beef 牛肉
maiale pork 豬肉
pesce fish 魚肉
frutti di mare seafood 海鮮

補充:菜單上有時可能會出現 contorni,意思是「附菜」,英文是 side dish。


外出吃大餐,不吃甜點怎麼能夠滿足呢?在菜單上看到 dolce 就知道是英文的 dessert 啦!


tiramisu 提拉米蘇

panna cotta 義式奶酪(見上圖)

gelato 義式冰淇淋

cannoli 奶油甜陷煎餅捲(見上圖)


甜點教室一起動手做!零失敗「香蕉麵包」食譜!|Vogue Taiwan (Carla Makes Banana Bread | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit)




顧客:I’d like to make a reservation / book a table, please. (我要訂位。)

顧客:A table for ___, please. (我想要 ___ 人的座位。)


服務生:Are you ready to order? (準備好點餐了嗎?)

顧客:What do you recommend? (你推薦哪些菜色?)

服務生:How would you like your steak? 請問牛排要幾分熟?

顧客:Rare / medium rare / medium / medium well / well done, please. (一分/三分/五分/七分/全熟,謝謝。)


顧客:Could we have the bill/check please?/ Bill/Check, please. (可以給我們帳單嗎?/ 我想要買單。)

顧客:Do you take credit card? 你們收信用卡嗎?

顧客:Can we split the bill? 我們可以分開結帳嗎?



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我最喜歡吃義大利美食了....PASTA, 還有窯烤的Pizza更是我的最愛....


al dente彈牙煮麵法

Angel Hair Noodle (Capelli d’angelo)細麵
Tagliatelli 寬麵
Home Made Noodle手製新鮮寬麵
Gnocchi 麵疙瘩
Conchiglie 貝殼麵
Farfalle 蝴蝶形通心粉
Macaroni 通心麵
Lasagne 千層麵
Tortellini 小型餃
Ravioli 義大利餃
Cannelloni 義大利春捲

<Cold Noodle 涼麵>
泰式海鮮蝴蝶涼麵Farfalle with Thai Seafood Salad
泰式雞肉涼麵Spaghetti with Thai Chicken Salad
南瓜泡沫涼麵Spaghetti Pumpkin Foam
蘆筍泡沫涼麵Spaghetti with Asparagus Foam
鯷魚筆尖涼麵Pennoni Rigati with Anchovies Sauce
泰式天使涼麵Angel Hair Noodle with Thai Sauce
咖哩奶油貝殼涼麵Conchiglie with Curry Cream Sauce
綠蓉醬螺旋涼麵Fusilli with Pesto
鮪魚通心涼麵Spaghetti with Tuna Fish Sauce
泰式豬肉義大利涼麵Marcaroni with Thai Pork Salad

<Meat Sauce(Bolognaise) 肉醬>
豬肉筆尖麵Pennoni with Pork Loin and Meat Sauce
牛肉蝴蝶麵Farfalloni with Beef Sliced and Meat Sauce
叉燒肉義大利麵Spaghetii with B.B.Q. Pork and Meat Sauce
香腸義大利肉醬麵Spaghetti with Sausage and Meat Sauce
烤鴨螺旋麵Fusilli with Roasted Duck and Meat Sauce
義大利肉醬麵Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
羊里肌義大利麵Spaghetti with Lamb Loin and Meat Sauce
牛腩肉醬義大利麵Spaghetti with Beef Brisket and Meat Sauce
雞肉義大利麵Spaghetti with Chicken Breast and Meat Sauce
黑橄欖義大利肉醬麵Spaghetti with Black Olive and Meat Sauce
納豆義大利肉醬麵Spaghetti with Mineya and Meat Sauce

<Tomato Sauce 蕃茄醬汁(紅醬)>
茄汁義大利麵Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce
海鮮茄汁細扁麵Linguine with Seafood Tomato Sauce
雞肉茄汁細扁麵Linguine with Chicken and Tomato Sauce
鯷魚茄汁墨魚麵Squid Ink Spaghetti with Anchovies and Tomato Sauce
辣味香腸貝殼茄汁麵Conchiglie with Spicy Sausage and Tomato Sauce
豬肉茄汁通心彎管麵Macaroni with Pork Sliced and Tomato Sauce
茄汁米形蛋包麵Rissoni in Omelets with Tomato Sauce
恩力蛋茄汁墨魚麵Squid Ink Spaghetti with Omelets and Tomato Sauce
茄汁龍蝦麵Spaghetti with Lobster and Tomato Sauce
橙汁烤鴨筆尖茄汁麵Pennoni with Roasted Duck and Orange

<Cream Sauce 奶油醬汁(白醬)>
奶油培根寬扁麵Tagliatelli Carbonara
鯷魚奶油細扁麵Linguini with Anchovy Cream Sauce
罌粟籽寬扁麵Tagliatelli with Poppy Seeds Cream Sauce
海鮮奶油通心彎管麵Macaroni with Seafood Cream Sauce
焗烤海鮮奶油通心彎管麵Gratinated Seafood Macaroni
奶油蘆筍筆尖麵Pennoni with Asparagus Tip and Cream Sauce
奶油雞肉蝴蝶麵Farfalloni with Chicken Cream Sauce
奶油溫泉蛋義大利麵Spaghetti with Spring Egg and Cream Sauce
奶油咖哩鮪魚貝殼麵Conchiglie with Fresh Tuna and Curry Cream Sauce
奶油蕃茄義大利麵Spaghetti with Tomato and Cream Sauce
奶油培根南瓜螺旋麵Fusilli with Bacon and Pumpkin Cream Sauce
奶油干貝細髮麵Angel hair noodle Scallops and Scallop Mushroom Cream Sauce
鮭魚茄汁奶油寬扁麵Tagliatelli with Salmon and Tomato Cream Sauce
拿玻里義大利麵Spaghetti Napolitana
奶油鵝肝寬扁麵Tagliatelli with Goose Liver and Cream Sauce
奶油蟹肉茄汁細扁麵Linguine with Crab Meat and Tomato Cream Sauce
奶油海苔義大利麵Spaghetti with Seaweed Cream Sauce
奶油鮪魚墨魚麵Squid Ink Spaghetti with Tuna Fish Cream Sauce

<Pesto 綠蓉醬(青醬)>
鮪魚青醬義大利麵Spaghetti with Tuna Fish and Pesto
木瓜青醬義大利麵Spaghetti with Papaya Pesto
草蝦青醬義大利麵Spaghetti with Shrimps and Pesto
恩力蛋青醬義大利麵Spaghetti with Omelets and Pesto

<Saute 干燒>
干燒辣味雞肉義大利麵Spaghetti with Spicy Chicken and Shallots Oil
辣味義大利麵Spaghetti with Garlic and Chili
松露什菇細扁麵Linguini with Truffle Oil and Assorted Mushroom
干燒櫻花蝦筆尖麵Pennoni with Sakura Shrimps and Asparagus, Shallot Oil
白酒蛤蜊細扁麵Linguini with Clam and White Wine
溫泉蛋義大利麵Spaghetti with Shrimps and Asparagus, Softed Egg
雞肉沙茶義大利麵Linguini with Chicken and B.B.Q. Satay Sauce
脆皮雞腿義大利麵Spaghetti with Crispy Chicken Leg
沙丁魚義大利麵Sardine Spaghetti
牛肉沙茶義大利麵Spaghetti with Beef Sliced B.B.Q. Satay Sauce

<Home made Pasta 手工麵、餃>
茄汁雞蛋麵Home made Egg Noodle with Tomato Sauce
肉醬自製寬扁麵Home made Egg Noodle with Meat Sauce
奶油培根寬扁麵Home made Egg Noodle with Carbonara
青醬蝦仁寬細麵Home made Egg Noodle with Pesto and Shrimps
水煮蛋寬扁奶油麵Home made Egg Noodle with Hard Boiled Egg and Cream Sauce
蔥燒辣味雞蛋麵Spinach Egg Noodle with Spicy Chicken and Shallot Oil
菠菜千層麵Spinach Lasagna
海鮮千層麵Seafood Lasagna
茄汁肉醬千層麵Tomato and Meat Lasagna
焗烤海鮮麵Seafood Cannelloni
茄汁肉醬麵Tomato and Meat Cannelloni
海鮮義大利餃Seafood Ravioli
菠菜起司義大利餃Spinach and Cheese Ravioli
蕃茄磨菇義大利餃Mushroom Tomato Ravioli
波菜起司義大利餛飩Spinach and Cheese Tortellini
海鮮義大利餛飩Seafood Tortellini with Tuna Sauce
海鮮半月餃Seafood Tortellini with Pumpkin Sauce
肉醬地瓜麵疙瘩Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Meat Sauce
茄汁奶油南瓜麵疙瘩Pumpkin Gnocchi with Tomato and Cream Sauce
奶油培根南瓜麵疙瘩Pumpkin Gnocchi with Carbonara
奶油培根地瓜麵疙瘩Sweat Potato Gnocchi with Carbonara
茄汁洋芋麵疙瘩 Potato Gnocchi with Tomato and Cream Sauce
南瓜醬細麵疙瘩Spaetzle with Pumpkin Sauce
肉醬菠菜細麵疙瘩Spaetzle with Meat Sauce
茄汁奶油菠菜細麵疙瘩Spinach Spaetzle with Tomato Cream Sauce

鮮菇茄汁義大利麵Spaghetti with Fresh Mushroom and Tomato Sauce
花椰菜青醬蝴蝶麵Farfalloni with Broccoli and Pesto
茄汁義大利麵Spaghetti Tomato Sauce
鮮菇南瓜螺旋麵Fusilli with Fresh Mushroom and Pumpkin Sauce
奶油地瓜貝殼麵Conchiglie with Sweet Potato, Potato and Taro with Cream Sauce
海苔南瓜義大利麵Spaghetti with Seaweed and Pumpkin Sauce
蘆筍泡沫義大利麵Spaghetti with Asparagus Foam
豆奶蝴蝶麵Farfalloni with Bean Curd and Bean curd Milk
罌粟籽蔬菜細髮麵Sauted Angel hair with Vegetable
彩椒茄汁麵Spaghetti with Bell Pepper and Tomato Cream Sauce

粗鹽 Kosher Salt
義式甜醋 Balsamic Vinegar
莫札瑞拉起司 Mozzarella Cheese
松露油Truffle Oil
帕馬森起司Parmesan Cheese
藍紋起司Bleu Cheese
月桂葉(Bay leaf)
黑胡椒粒(Black pepper corn)
白胡椒粉(White pepper powder)
番茄糊(Tomato Paste)

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