Flat 中文

flat adjective (LEVEL)

  • The road ahead was flat and smooth.
  • There are drainage channels all over this flat agricultural land.
  • She borrowed a garden roller to roll the grass flat.
  • A broad sweep of flat countryside stretched to the horizon in all directions.
  • There was no wind and the sea was very flat.

flat adjective (NOT HIGH)


Pitta and nan are two types of flat bread. 嵌麵包和印度薄餅是兩種未發酵的麵包。

flat adjective (NOT ACTIVE)

flat adjective (BATTERY)

flat adjective (DRINK)


If you don't put the top back on that bottle of beer, it will go flat. 你要是不把那瓶啤酒的瓶蓋蓋上,它會走氣的。

flat adjective (COMPLETE)

flat adjective (WITHOUT AIR)


I got a flat tyre (= the air went out of it) after driving over a nail. 我的車胎紮了釘子後洩了氣了。

flat adjective (FIXED)

  • For a monthly flat fee, paid by the consumer or employer, HMOs provide a specified list of medical services both in and outside the hospital.
  • He's repaying the loan at a flat rate of 10%.
  • Clients are charged a flat rate of £15 monthly.
  • Borrowers can choose a variable or flat interest rate on the loan.
  • He's being paid at a flat rate of £10 per hour.

flat adjective (PROFITS)


flat noun (LEVEL GROUND)

 the flat of your hand


He hit me with the flat of his hand. 他打了我一巴掌。

 be on the flat


Most of the path is on the flat. 這條小徑大部分都在平地上。

flat noun (TYRE)


We were late because we had to stop and fix a flat. 我們遲到了,因為中途不得不停下來修理洩氣的輪胎。

flat noun (SHOES)

flat noun (MUSIC)

flat adjective, adverb (MUSIC)

flat adverb (LEVEL)

  • He lay flat on the ground hoping no one would see him.
  • She unfolded a large cloth and laid it flat on the ground.
  • Empty the biscuit-crumb mixture into a dish and press it out flat.
  • My hat has been squashed flat. Did someone sit on it?
  • Poor Kathy fell flat on her face in the mud.

flat adverb (NOT HIGH)

flat adverb (COMPLETELY)

UK informal (US flat out)


She told him flat that she would not go to the show. 她直截了當地告訴他她是不會去看表演的。

Could you lend me some money, I'm flat broke (= I have no money). 你能借我些錢嗎?我連一塊錢也沒有。

 three minutes, half an hour, etc. flat informal

 flat out informal


My car only does about 60 mph, even when it's going flat out. 我的車即使全速行駛,也只能跑到每小時60英里左右。

We've been working flat out to get this done. 為了完成這項工作,我們一直在全力以赴。

(flat剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



The vortex is shown in figure 4; the sawdust on the flat bed was lifted up by the backwash vortex, not by the breaker.

If an observer could not see the surfaces as three-dimensional, and reported them as frontoparallel flat, performance would be at 0% correct.

The meter was calibrated by temporarily affixing it to the flat floor of the tunnel ahead of the wavy wall.

For example, the transport velocities at the last measuring station looked very similar to the upstream flat plate profile.

Floodplains tend to be flat, elevated above mean river level, and relatively well-drained.

Using observed past deforestation, we find that while risk-targeted payments are far more efficient, capped flat payments are more egalitarian.

Billiards are semi-focusing if their boundary components consist of pieces of cylinders and possibly some flat components.

These things would then not be a charge on the actual flats.



