觉得不 好意思 英文


阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




不用觉得不好意思 - 我们不会瞧不起微薄但可贵的捐赠的,正如人们说的,每一文钱都会起作用。

Don't feel ashamed - we don't despise the widow's mite, and, as they say, every penny helps.


I'm the one who should be embarrassed, being here with you nice people.


No one should feel inhibited from taking part in the show.

不要觉得不好意思 我不该让你有那种感觉...

Don't be embarrassed. I should never have let you think that...

孩子们坐经济舱,我们坐头等舱 你不会觉得不好意思吗?

Don't you feel like a heel, flying first class with the kids in coach?


Looking forward to the party, but thinks he shouldn't show it.


I am only ashamed of his asking so little.


Don't be embarrassed if you can't solve the problem on your own.


you'll be ashamed of this young man's seeing it,


I talk to her about a lot of things, and I know she's


The onlookers laughed uproariously, and he felt ashamed


结果: 56. 精确: 56. 用时: 19毫秒


阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




你看,我还没有在这一段时间, 我很不好意思地说。

See, I haven't been in this in a while, I'm embarrassed to say.


So far as I can tell, you seem to be a deserving object.

她 们两个都不住口地向我道谢,倒弄得我很不好意思。

我不知道你会踢足球 我很不好意思给你看我小时候的照片

But the doctor said you were in no condition to receive visitors the other day.

我是说 我很不好意思跟陌生人接触 而我打心底 对一段感情的进展抱有强烈的兴趣

What I'm saying is I'm probably too shy to approach strangers and I was genuinely interested in seeing how a relationship evolves through time.


It was the only time I'd been with a woman. She's really sick, you know.


it in the mix, maybe as a middle name... - Stop, mum. You'll make me blush.

我很不好意思的告诉你们,我当时从座位上站了起来, 在她坐的地方周围走来走去,这样就能越过她的肩膀看到放在她前面的那张纸上写着什么。

So I'm very embarrassed to tell you all that I stood up and I walked around to where she was sitting so that I could look over her shoulder and verify what was written on the page in front of her.


I was ashamed to answer, the affairs of the Observatory of St Andrews were in such a bad condition, the reason of which was, a prejudice the masters of the University did take at the mathematics, because some of their scholars, finding their courses and dictats opposed by what they had studied in the mathematics, did mock at their masters, and deride some of them publicly.

我今天上夜班 而我的房间里一团糟 不过我很不好意思总是让你

I'm working the night spot, and my apartment is a horror show, so I'm sorry if I keep you up

我很不好意思说起这事 但是这事一直萦绕在我心头

I'm sorry to bring this up but I just can't see how on earth to make it go away.

各种信用卡都看得到 还有总共约三百块的小额钞票 让我很不好意思地 塞到我自己的口袋

MasterCard, Discover, Platinum American Express, and nearly 300 bucks worth of twenties that I'm not too proud to stuff into my own pockets.


I'm ashamed to admit it, but when I lost one of the big races, I might have hit one of the other swimmers in the leg with a skimmer pole.


"I am so sorry and feel sad I hit your car by accident. I am a student and doing a winter vacation job. I know the compensation is far from enough, but I really have no more money left. Sorry."


结果: 27. 精确: 27. 用时: 51毫秒

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