
商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 "商女"歌女"后庭花"即《玉树后庭花》,靡靡之音,南朝陈后主所作,后人视为亡国不祥之者。 歌女们唱什么乐曲,由听者品味和情趣而定,...对应英文:Where girls, with no thought of a perished Kingdom, gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. "Business women" singer "backyard flower" or "Yushu" backyard flower ", demoralizing tune, the Chen Dynasty after the Lord, viewed as the subjugation of the ominous. Chorus girls sing what song, the listener and taste,...

"恨"作"仇恨"解。具体说是国仇家恨。北宋国都被辽侵占。南宋的皇帝仍整日声色犬马,不思收复河山。金庸小说中的郭靖杨康就是根据当时的历史所取的名字(靖康之耻)。表面...对应英文:"Hate" as "hatred" solution. Specifically including. The country was Liao invaded. The Southern Song Dynasty emperor still all sensual pleasures, do not think to recover lost territory. In the novels of Jin Yong Guo Jing Yang Kang is on the basis of the historical names (Jingkang shame). Surface...

年在位。在位时大建宫室,生活奢侈,日与妃嫔、文臣游宴,制作艳词。隋兵南下时,恃长江天险,不以为意。祯明三年(年),隋兵入建康(今江苏南京),被俘。后在洛阳病死,追封...对应英文:Year of the reign of. During the reign of Dajian houses, luxury, and concubines, official banquet, making. The Sui army south, rely on the natural barrier of the Changjiang River, not take it seriously. Chen Ming three years (year), the Sui army Ru Jiankang (now Jiangsu Nanjing), captured. In Luoyang after the death, bestowed...

商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱《后庭花》。后庭花乃南北朝时期的陈后主所做,被称为亡国之音。此处的亡国恨,并非真的是说国家灭亡了,而是借陈后主的典故,讽刺那些达官贵人,...对应英文:Where girls, with no thought of a perished Kingdom, gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. "Backyard flower is the South and North Dynasties after Chen made, known as the sentimental music. Here upon the hate, not really mean state perished, but through allusions master Chen, ironically those high officials and noble lords,...

"商女"即秋女、秋娘,也就是歌妓、女伶了。对应英文:"Business women" is the autumn, autumn Niang women, that is, the geisha actress.

商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 注释 () 商女歌女 () 后庭花即《玉树后庭花》,陈后主与其幸臣词曲。 说明 唐朝著名诗人杜牧游秦淮,在上听见歌女唱《玉树后...对应英文:Where girls, with no thought of a perished Kingdom, gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. Note () () female singer's "backyard flower that is" Yushu "backyard flower", after Chen Ci and a favourite at court. The famous Tang Dynasty poet Du tour of Qinhuai, the singer sing "Yushu heard...

商女不知亡国恨,(隔江犹唱后庭花) 泊 秦 淮 杜 牧 烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。 商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 注释 () 商女歌女 () 后庭花即《玉树后庭...对应英文:Business women do not know my hate, (gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers) Bo Qinhuai Du Mu Yan long cold moon water cage sand, Qinhuai near a restaurant at night. Where girls, with no thought of a perished Kingdom, gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. Note () () female singer's "backyard flower is the" Yushu backyard...

商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 出自唐朝杜牧的《泊秦淮》,全文如下烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮 近酒家。商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 〔说明〕秦淮,河名,发源于...对应英文:Where girls, with no thought of a perished Kingdom, gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. From the Tang Dynasty Du Mu's "Bo Qinhuai", the following is the text of Yan long cold moon water cage sand, Qinhuai near a restaurant at night. Where girls, with no thought of a perished Kingdom, gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. (description) of Qinhuai, river, originated in the...

商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 杜牧前期颇为关心政治,对当时百孔千疮的唐王朝表示忧虑,他看到统治集团的腐朽昏庸,看到藩镇的拥兵自固,看到边患的频繁,深感社会危...对应英文:Where girls, with no thought of a perished Kingdom, gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. Du Mu's early quite concerned about politics, expressed concern about the Tang Dynasty ruling clique riddled with a thousand wounds, he saw the decadent fatuous, see the principalities Yongbingzigu, see frequent border, deeply social crisis...

商女不知亡国恨的后一句是"隔江犹唱后庭花。 原诗《泊秦淮》 作者杜 牧 烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 【浅析】这是一首政治讽...对应英文:Business women do not know my hate after the sentence is "gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. The original poem "Qinhuai" the Bo Du Mu Yan long cold moon water cage sand, Qinhuai near a restaurant at night. Where girls, with no thought of a perished Kingdom, gaily echo a song of courtyard flowers. [on] this is a political satire...



  • 其它俗语及英文翻译

  • 秀才遇到兵
  • 存在即是合理
  • 女子无才便是德
  • 免费的午餐

291 杜牧 – 泊秦淮
291 DU Mu – Mooring on River Qinhuai



英文翻譯 / English Translation﹕

The river is cold and enshrouded in a fog, the river sand enshrouded in moonlight,
I've come to moor on the Qinhuai after dark where there are cabarets nearby.
Courtesans perceive not the sorrow of a perished empire,
Across the river singing of A Flourishing Backyard continues into the night.




